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sack-cloud 'saek/Ktaod n. a cloud from tuhich a sackslike or bag^like pecket hangs; a ferm of mammato^cumulus whose rounded pendent portions resemble sacks or bags.

safety-bridle 'seef-ti,bzai-d! n. a kite^bridle provided with, or arranged in the ferm ef, a safety^device which comes into play in case of breakage.

Marvin safety tbridle, a form of kite-bridle having two parts, a lower and an upper bridle, joined by a safety-line. If the safety-line breaks, the upper bridle comes into play.

safety-buoy 'seef-t^buu-i n. an aerial buoy or float, as a balloon, attacht to or forming part of an airship and de- signed to act as a safey?device in case of a tendency to fall.

safety-car 'seef-ti,ka:z . a proposed auxiliary car to be suspended below the principal car or basket of a balloon so as to admit of cooking and other operations being carried on in it with safety or without danger of igniting the gas of the balloon, or so as to serv as a lifeboat, in case of the craft falling into water.

safety-line 'seef-ti,lain n. a line attacht to the bridle of a kite, which acts as a safety^device.

safety-stick 'seef-ti,stik n. a stick attacht like a bowsprit to the front of a (Hargrave) flyer to break or ease the fall of the machine when coming to earth.

safety-valve 'seef-ti,vselv n. [also spelt safetyzvalv] a valv in the gasbag of a balloon, allowing gas to escape, for safety's sake; a balloon^valv ; an escape^valv.

sag sseg intr. slowly descend, as a kite sometimes does; sink, droop, settle.

sagging 'saegirj n. the slack of a kite^stjing; sag.

sail see) v.

1. intr. fly without visible movement of the wings, as a bird; float thru the air, as a cloud; glide; navigate the air.

2. tr. sail in or thru ; navigate : as, to *sail the air. sailer 'see-tez . a bird that habitually sails or practises sail- ing flight, as the albatross; a sailing or soaring bird.

sailing 'see-lirj n. the action or process of one who, or a thing which sails; moving or floating thru the air; soar- ing; gliding.

sailing-balloon 'see-hrj-ba^oun n. a balloon fitted with sailslike surfaces for propulsion or steering.

sailing-machine 'see-hrj-ma^iin n. a machine or apparatus which sails thru the air; a soaring? or gliding?machine.

sailing-man 'see-lir^msen n. a man who sails or soars in the air; a glider.

sail-wagon 'seel/wsegan n. a wagon provided with sails or vanes; a wind^wagon.

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