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sail-wheel 'seel,tuiil n. a wheel or revolving drum contain- ing sails for supporting and propelling a f lying^machine ; a fan^tuheel.

saloon sa'luun n. the main cabin of an airship.

samara 'saem3-z9 n. a dry, indehiscent, usually one-seeded fruit, as that of the elm, provided with a wing or aerofeil by tuhich it is wafted thru the air; a key^fruit or key; a ptendium.

double samara, a samara such as the maple^fruit, having two wings or aerofoils.

samiel 'see-mi-3l n. the simoom.

sand-bag 'saend,baeg n. a bag used for containing sand^bal- last ; a ballastebag.

sand-ballast 'saend^aelsst n. ballast in the form of sand; sand used as ballast.

sand-column 'ssendjkolam n. a columnzlike cloud of sand sometimes fermd by a windstorm in the desert.

sand-pillar 'saendjntez n. a pillar or column^like mass of sand raised by a tuhirlwind; a sandspout.

sand-pipe 's3end,paip n. a pipe^like or cylindrical sandspout fermd in an upward rotary air=current.

sand-wind 's2end,wind n. a sand^laden wind, as a simoom.

scale skeel n. a graded series of values or terms; a gradation. Beaufort scale, a scale of estimated wind^velecities repre- sented by the numbers i to 12, and by a corresponding series of names, introduced into the British Navy by Ad- miral Beaufort about 1805.

scale skeel v.

1. intr. skim or glide thru the air.

2. tr. skim or glide in or thru: as, to *scale the air. scape skeep n. the shaft, stem, or rachis of a f ether; a scapus. scapular 'skaepgu-laz n. one of a bundle of fethers which

spring from the pteryla humeralis, humeral tjact, or upper arm of a bird, at or near the shoulder, and lie along the side of the back; a shoulder^f ether; a scapulary.

scapulary 'skaepgu^ezi n. same meaning as scapular.

scareship 'ske:z,$ip n. (jocular) an airship, real or imagi- nary, which creates a scare or fright, as by mysterious flights at night; a scare airship.

scepter 'septaz n.

broken scepter, the shadow of a person seen en a fog, as from a mountain^top.

school-balloon 'skoul-b9,foun n. a balloon used for school- ing or teaching novices in balloonswork.

scintillation ,smti'lee-$3n n. the ttumkling, flickering, or tremulous motion of the light of the larger fixt stars or of

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