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cyclone; the region lying within the closed isobars which

surround a center of low pressure. storm-belt 'steizn^belt n. a belt or zone of maximum

sterm^f requency ; a sterm^zone. storm-bird 'ste:zm,bi3:zd .

1. a petrel; a sterm^petjel.

2. a bird, as the sterm-ceck, which seems to foretell bad wether by its cries, etc. compare raintbird.

storm-bound 'ste:zm,baond adj. [also spelt stormbound} bound or hemd in by a sterm; confined or delayd by sterms.

storm-breeder 'ste:zm,bzii-d9z n. a day or a wether^con- dition which is likely to breed or produce a sterm.

storm-card 'ste:zm,ka:zd n. a transparent card containing lines to represent the wind^directions in all quarters of a cyclonic sterm, devised by Reid to be used on a chart as an aid to seamen in avoiding dangerous sterms; a sterm# circle; a sterm-cempass.

storm-center 'ste:zm,sent9z n. the center of a sterm; the position of lowest barometric pressure in a cyclonic sterm.

storm-circle 'steizn^sszkal n. same meaning as stormzcard.

storm-clock 'ste:zm,kz,ek n. a cleck^like apparatus for re- cording or indicating sterms ; a meteerograf, especially the one devised and named by Francis Ronalds.

storm-cloud 'steizn^ktaud n. a cloud that brings or thret- ens sterm.

storm-compass 'ste:zm,kAmp9s n. same meaning as storm* card.

storm-cone 'ste:zm,koon n. a cone coverd with tard canvas heisted alone or along with a stermzdrum, as a sterm^signal.

storm-current 'ste:zm,kBZ9nt n. an atmosfenc ' current which accompanies or is related in some way to a sterm.

storm-drum 'steizrr^drAm n. a cylinder coverd with tard canvas heisted aleng with a storm-cone, as a sterm^signal.

storm-energy 'sterzrr^enaz-dsi n. the energy within a sterm; the internal energy of a cyclone.

storm-flag 'ste:zm,f;Laeg n. a flag used as a sterm^signal.

storm-formation 'sterzm-fee^mee-San n. the formation of a sterm; the genesis of cyclones.

storm-front 'stezm,f5Ant n. the front of a sterm.

storm-glass 'ste:^m,gla:s n. a seald glass tube containing an alcoholic solution of camfor, together with crystals of nitjate of petash and ammonium chloride : supposed to indi- cate (by increase of the precipitate) the approach of sterm, but really being nothing but a chemical thermoscope.

storm-kite 'ste:zm,kait n. a kite or kite^like device for

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