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carrying a rope from a ship to the shore in a storm; a ropesbearmg kite.

storm-like 'ste:zm,laik adj. [also spelt storm like\ like a sterm ; resembling or associated with stormy wether : as, to outride the *sterm4ike eagle.

storm-motion 'ste:zm,moo-$9n . the motion characteristic of sterms; the mode of movement peculiar to cyclones.

storm-path 'ste:rm,pa:0 n. the path, track, or route of a sterm ; the course of the translatory movement of the cen- ter of a cyclone.

storm-proof 'ste:zm,psouf adj. proof agaist sterms or stress of wether.

storm-signal 'ste:zm,signl n. a signal or sign displayd en sea^coast and lake^shores for indicating the expected prev- alence of sterms or high winds : as, a British or a Canadian

  • sterms:signal.

storm-track 'ste:em,tr,aek n. the track, course, or route of a sterm ; the course of the translatory movement of the center of a cyclone; a sterm^path.

storm-ward 'sterzm-wazd adj. turnd or directed toward ^ sterm; facing a sterm; stermwards.

storm ward 'ste:zm,w9zd adv. toward a sterm; facing the sterm; stermwards.

storm -warning 'ste:zm,we:z-nirj n. a warning or admoni- tory notice regarding an approaching sterm.

storm-wave 'ste:zm,weev n. a great wave of the ocean ac- companying a sterm or cyclone.

storm-wind 'ste:zm,wmd n. the wind which accompanies, precedes, or forms part of a sterm ; a severe wind of a minimum velocity of 30 miles an hour en land and 40 to 50 en the sea; a hurricane.

storm-zone 'ste:zm,zoon n. same meaning as storm-belt.

straightaway 'stree-t3,wee adj. extending forward in a straight line; having a straight course, without turn or curv ; straight?line : as, a *str,aightaway flight.

straightaway 'stee-t9,wee n. a straightaway flight.

straight-line 'stjeet^am adj. being or occurring in a straight line ; in a bee-line ; straightaway.

strainer 'stree-naz n. a screw^device for straining or tight- ening a wire; a turnbuckle.

strata 'stjee-ta n. pi. see stratum.

stratiform 'straet^ferzm adj. having the form of a stjatus, layer, or lamella; stratified.

strato-cirrus ^tree-to'sizas n. a cloud similar to cirro? stratus but more compact and fermd at a lower altitude.

strato- cumulus ,stree-tD'kgum jo-fas n. a stratum or layer

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