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airship-hall 'e:z-$ip,hc:l n. a hall or house for sheltering airships; the hangar or shed at an air^station; an airship? house.

airship-harbor 'e:z-$ip,ha:z-b3z n. a harbor or refuge, en the ground, for airships; an earth^harbor for aircraft.

airship-house 'e:z-$ip,haus n. a house where an airship or dirigible balloon is kept; a balloon?house; a balloon^shed ; an aerodrome.

airship-line 'e:z-$ip,lam n. a line for pemt?to?peint tjans- portation by airship; an aerial transport line.

airshipping 'e:z,$ipir) n. [also spelt air f ship ping] the use of airships; aerial navigation.

airshipshape / e:^-$ip / $eep adj. in the shape or condition appropriate or usual for a good airship; shipshape in an aerial sense.

airship-station 'e:z-$ip,stee-$9n n. a station at which air- ships are kept, as for purposes of defense.

airship-wrecking 'e:z-$ip,zekirj n. the wrecking or destroy- ing of airships, for criminal purposes.

airsick 'e:z,sik adj. sick or ill because of traveling in the air.

airsickness 'e:z,sikNis n. a supposed sickness due to mo? tion thru the air; nausea; seasickness.

air-skipper 'e:z,skiper n. a skipper who works in the air; the captain or driver of an airship; an aviator.

air-space 'e:z,spees n. a space fild with air, as between the two layers of fabric of the double surfacing of an aero- plane.

air-squadron 'e:z,skwedran n. a squadron which operates in the air; an aerial squadron.

air-station 'e:z,stee-$9n n. a station, en the earth, where airships may arrive and depart.

air-strata 'ei^stgee-ta n. see airtstratum.

air-stratum 'ei^stjee-tam n. [plural air*strata] a stratum of the air; an air^layer.

air-stream 'erz^stjiim n. a stream or current of air; an atmosfenc stream.

air-supply 'e:z-s3,pai n. the supply or provision of air, as that available for the use of a fan?wheel or blower.

air-surf 'e:z,SB:zf . the surf of the air; the aerial surf; the siuell of the breaking air^currents or winds.

air-swirl 'e'.z/siUBizl n. a swirl, or eddy in the air; an atmos- fenc vertex or whirl.

air-tight ,e:z'tait, (assumptivlyi) 'e:z,tait adj. so tight or close as to be impermeable to air; air?proof.

air-tour 'e:z,to:z n. a tour or journey in the air; an air?tip.

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