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air-touring 'e:z,to:-zir) n. the making of air^tours; air?

travel. air-track 'c:z,ti?ek n. [also spelt airtrack, air track] a tgack

or definit course in the air; an aerial race^t^ack. air-traveler 'er^tpevg-tez n. [also spelt airztraveller]

1. an apparatus which travels in the air; a dirigible; a flying^machine; an aerodrome.

2. one who travels in the air; an aerial voyager. air-traveling 'eiz^tpeva-hrj n. [also spelt air^tr availing} the

art or occupation of traveling in the air. air-trick 'e:z,tr,ik n. a tick or exploit perfermd in the air;

an exhibition of air?jockeying. air-trip 'e:z,tip n. a tgip or journey in the air; an air^


air- tube 'ei^tguub n. a tube for conducting air, as in con- nection with a ballonet; an air?pipe. air-turbine 'e:z,ti3:z-bain n. a tuheel of turbinate ferm

driven by the wind or other air?current. air-valve 'erz/vaelv n. [also spelt airtvalv] a valv for allowing

air to pass. air-vehicle 'erz/vii-i-kat n. a vehicle designed for sailing

the air; an aerial vehicle; an aircraft. air-velocity 'e:z-vi,losi-ti n. the velocity of the air; the

rapidity of movement of the atmosfere or the air?currents. air-vessel 'eiz^vesal n.

1. any vessel containing air, as one of the tjacheae or respiratory tubes of an insect, or a spiral vessel in a plant.

2. a vessel or bag inflated or capable of being inflated with air, and placed inside the gas-bag of a balloon for keeping the main envelop in shape, or regulating ascent and descent; an air-bag; an air^chamber.

airward 'e:z-w9zd adv. [synonymous cognate airwards]

toward the air; upward; skyward.

air-wave 'e:z,weev n. a wave of air; an atmosfenc undu- lation. airway 'e:z,wee n. a way or road in the air or atmosfere; an

aerial way; an air=road; an airplane. air-wheel 'er^iuiil n. a luheeling or rotary movement of the

air or atmosfere; a cyclone or an anticyclone. air-wizard 'e:z,wiz9zd n. a wizard or magician who has

power over the air; an aviator endowd with magic powers. air- woman 'ei^woman [plural airzwomeri} a woman skild

in managing aircraft; a female aviator; an aviat^ess. airworthiness 'ei^wRcdi-nis n. the state of being air?

worthy; airworthy character or condition; fitness for

servis in the air.

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