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��air-worthy 'eiz/woedi adj. [also spelt airtworthy] worthy or fit for servis in the air; staunch and well adapted to en- counter stormy airs : said of an airship.

airy 'e:-zi adj.

1. perfermd or taking place in the air or atmosfere; of, belonging to, or appropriate to the air; aerial; aerian : as,

  • airy navies.

2. placed high in the air; open or exposed to the air; aerial ; lofty ; ethereal : as, an *airy mountain^tep, *airy heven.

3. exposed to the open air; abounding in free air; breezy : as, an *airy mode of life.

4. composed or made of air; airs=like; buoyant, light, frail, elastic: as, *airy, frail, and fairy craft; noiseless, *airy flight.

airy 'e:-zi n. same meaning as aery. ala 'ee-ta n. a winglike part.

ala spuria, the false or bastard wing of a bird; the alula. alar 'ee-tez adj. of a wing or wings; winglike; wing^shaped. alar expanse, see expanse. alar extent, see extent.

alar tract, the tjact or area which constitutes the surface of a bird's wing; the wing^tjact.

alary 'ee-te-zi adj. of alae or wings : as, *alary aerostation, alate 'ee,let adj. having wings or side appendages resembling

wings; winged.

alated 'ee,letid adj. winged; having wings. alation ,e'* 8e -$ 3n n - winged condition; the mode in which the wings of an insect are formd or disposed upon the body.

albatross 'selbs^ses n. [also spelt albatrosl a sea-bird of the petrel family which inhabits the southern seas and the en- tire Pacific ocean and is noted for its soaring.

great albatross, the largest of sea=fowls, Diomedea exu- lans; the albatross.

mechanical albatross, an aeroplane flying^machine. alcohol 'ae}k9,hol n. a limpid colorless liquid, ethyl hydrate, used as a fuel in engins.

absolute alcohol, alcohol entirely free from water; anhy- drous alcohol; pure alcohol.

denatured alcohol, alcohol which has been deprived of certain of its natural characteristics by imparting to it a disagreeable odor and nauseating property by adding to it a certain percentage of benzine or other substances, in order to prevent its use as an intoxicant tuhile promoting its use in the arts, as a fuel, etc.

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