Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/102

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  • enfermedad [f] illness, sickness, disease.
  • enfermera nurse.
  • enfermo [adj] sick Ayer operaron al niño enfermo. They operated on the sick child yesterday.  [m] patient El enfermo está en el hospital. The patient's in the hospital.
  • enflaquecer(se) [-zc-] to become thin.
  • enfrente opposite, across Enfrente hay una casa blanca. Across (the street) there's a white house.
     de enfrente across the street Viven en la casa de enfrente. They live in the house across the street.  enfrente de opposite El auto está parado enfrente de aquel edificio. The car's parked opposite that building.
  • enfriamiento [m] cold (illness).
  • enfriar to cool Debemos enfriar el agua en la nevera. We must cool the water in the ice box.
     enfriarse to cool off, become cold Deje el café ahí para que se enfríe. Leave your coffee there so it can cool off.  to get chilled Abrigúese bien, no se vaya a enfriar. Dress warmly so you won't get chilled.
  • engañar to deceive Engañó a su amigo. He deceived his friend.
     engañarse to make a mistake, be wrong Se engañaron a causa de la niebla. They made a mistake because of the fog.
  • engaño deceit.
  • engordar to fatten; to get fat.
  • enhorabuena congratulations.
  • enjuagar to rinse.
  • enlace [m] marriage Han anunciado su próximo enlace. They've announced their coming marriage.  connection(s) El enlace de trenes es excelente en esta estación. The train connections at this station are excellent.
  • enlazar to connect Esos dos trenes enlazan en la próxima estación. Those two trains connect at the next station.
  • enlodarse to get muddy Las ruedas se enlodaron completamente. The wheels got all muddy.
  • enloquecer [-zc-] to become insane A consecuencia del golpe enloqueció. As a result of the blow he became insane.  to drive crazy Este trabajo me está enloqueciendo. This work's driving me crazy.
     enloquecerse to get furious or mad Con la discusión se enloqueció. He got furious as a result of the argument.
  • enmendar [rad-ch I] to amend, correct Hágame el favor de enmendar esta copia. Please correct this copy for me.
     enmendarse to mend one's ways, reform Si no no se enmienda, no podrá triunfar nunca. If he doesn't mend his ways, he'll never succeed.
  • enmohecido rusty.
  • enojar to anger La suspensión del espectáculo enojó al público. The public was angered by the suspension of the show.
     enojarse to get angry Enojándose no arreglará nada. Nothing will be gained by getting angry.
  • enojo anger.
  • enorme enormous.
  • enormidad [f] outrage Lo que ha hecho ese hombre es una enormidad. What that man's done is an outrage.  great number, great quantity En la fiesta hubo una enormidad de gente. There was a great crowd at the party.
  • enredadera climbing vine.
  • enredar to snarl, tangle up El gato enredó todos los hilos. The cat tangled up all the threads.  to snarl, mess up El gerente enredó todos los negocios de la compañía. The manager messed up all the company's business.
     enredarse to get snarled Se enredó la cuerda. The string got snarled.  enredarse con to get involved with Se enredó con una mala mujer. He got involved with a bad woman.  enredarse en to get involved in Se enredó en negocios sucios. He got involved in shady business affairs.
  • enredo tangle, intrigue.
  • enriquecer [-zc-] to enrich.  to enhance Ese adorno enriquece mucho el traje. That trimming enhances the dress.
     enriquecerse to get rich Se enriqueció de repente. He got rich quickly.
  • enrollar to roll up Enrolle Ud. esas revistas. Roll up those magazines.
  • enronquecer(se) [-zc-] to get hoarse Se enronqueció de tanto gritar. He got hoarse from so much shouting.
  • ensalada salad.
  • ensanchar to widen Estaban ensanchando el camino cuando pasamos. They were widening the road when we passed.  to let out, enlarge Tiene Ud. que ensancharme la chaqueta. You'll have to let out my jacket.
  • ensayar to try, test Vamos a ensayar el nuevo material. We're going to test the new material.  to rehearse No han tenido tiempo de ensayar la comedia. They haven't had time to rehearse the play.
  • ensayo test, trial; rehearsal.
  • ensenada cove.