Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/103

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  • enseñanza instruction, teaching.
  • enseñar to teach Un mejicano le enseñó español. A Mexican taught him Spanish.  to show Me enseñó el retrato de su novia. He showed me a picture of his sweetheart.  to show, point out Enseñe Ud. el camino al señor. Show this gentleman the way.
  • ensillar to saddle.
  • ensordecer [-zc-] to deafen.
  • ensuciar to soil, to dirty.
  • ensueño pipe dream, day dream.
  • entablar to board up Entablaron las ventanas. They boarded up the windows.  to begin, start Han entablado negociaciones. They've started negotiations.
  • entablillar to put splints on Se rompió un brazo y tuvieron que entablillárselo. He broke his arm and they had to put splints on it.
  • entender [rad-ch I] to understand Ya entiendo lo que Ud. quiere decir. Now I understand what you mean.
     a (or según) mi entender in my opinion A mi entender es mejor cambiar de procedimiento. In my opinion it's better to change the policy.  entender de to be familiar with, be good at ¿Entiende Ud. de mecánica? Are you good at mechanics?  entenderse con to deal with Tendrán que entenderse con el jefe. They'll have to deal with the boss.  entender(se) en to be in charge of ¿Quién se entiende en este asunto? Who's in charge of this matter?
  • entendido (see entender)  estar (or quedar) entendido to be understood Está entendido que empezaremos mañana. It's understood that we'll start tomorrow.  no darse por entendido to pretend not to understand No me di por entendido. I pretended I didn't understand.  ser (muy) entendido en to be skilled or informed in Es un obrero muy entendido en su oficio. He's very skilled in his trade.
  • entendimiento understanding; mind.
  • enterar to inform, report Debemos enterar a la dirección de lo que pasa. We must inform the management of what's going on.
     enterarse to pay attention No te enteras de lo que te estoy diciendo. You aren't listening to what I'm saying.  enterarse (de) to learn Acabo de enterarme de la noticia. I've just learned the news.  to find out, inquire Entérese del hotel en que viven. Find out what hotel they're living at.
  • entereza fortitude; presence of mind.
  • entero entire, whole.
  • enterrar [rad-ch I] to bury.
  • entierro burial.
  • entonación [f] intonation.
  • entonar to sing in tune; to begin to sing.  to harmonize, blend (of colors) Estos colores entonan muy bien. These colors harmonize very well.
  • entonces at the time, then Entonces vivía con sus padres. He was living with his parents at the time.  then ¿Entonces ya no me necesita Ud.? Then you don't need me now, do you?—¿Y entonces que pasó? And then what happened?
    || ¿Entonces? Then what? or And then? [Am].
  • entrada entrance Adornaron la entrada con banderas. They decorated the entrance with flags.  admission La entrada será gratis. Admission will be free.  attendance La función tuvo una buena entrada. The show was well attended.  ticket, seat Debemos comprar las entradas ahora mismo. We have to buy the tickets right now.  admittance Se prohibe la entrada. No admittance.  beginning A la entrada del invierno saldré de viaje. I'm leaving on a trip at the beginning of winter.  entrée ¿Qué desea Ud. como entrada? What do you want for an entree?
     entradas receding hair at temples A pesar de su juventud ya tiene entradas. In spite of his youth his hair's already receding at the temples.  income Las entradas superan a las salidas. The income exceeds the outgo.
    || Entrada pública. Admission free.
  • entrar to enter, come in, go in ¿Se puede entrar? May I come in?  to fit El zapato no me entra, es muy chico. The shoe doesn't fit me; it's too small.  to join Quiero entrar en un club deportivo. I want to join an athletic club.
     entrar a trabajar to go to work, be employed Entraron a trabajar en una fábrica. They went to work in a factory.  entrar en (or a) to enter Entrará en la Universidad el año próximo. He'll enter the University next year.
    || A este chico no le entra la aritmética. This child can't get arithmetic through his head.
  • entre between La mujer estaba sentada entre dos hombres. The woman was sitting between two men.  among