Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/104

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  • Repartiremos las ganancias entre todos. We'll divide the profits among all of us.—Es muy alegre la vida entre estudiantes. Life among students is very gay.—Entre los cuatro levantaron la carga. Among the four of them, they picked up the load.
  • entreabierto (see entreabrir) ajar, half-open.
  • entreabrir to open halfway, open part way.
  • entreacto intermission.
  • entrega delivery Ud. tendrá que pagar a la entrega del paquete. You'll have to pay for the package on delivery.
  • entregar to deliver, hand over No han entregado la mercadería todavía. They haven't delivered the goods yet.  to hand Entregúeme la carta. Hand me the letter.  to give up, surrender, turn over Lo entregaron a la policía. They turned him over to the police.
     entregarse to give in, yield Se entregó a la bebida. He gave in to drink.  to surrender El batallón se entregó al enemigo. The battalion surrendered to the enemy.
  • entrenador [m] trainer, coach.
  • entrenamiento training, coaching.
  • entrenar to train.
  • entrepaño shelf.
  • entretanto meanwhile.
  • entretener [irr] to entertain, amuse Hay que entretener al niño con algo. You have to amuse the child with something.  to delay, tie up Mis asuntos me entretuvieron hasta muy tarde. My affairs tied me up until very late.
     entretenerse to amuse oneself Nos entretuvimos jugando a las cartas. We amused ourselves playing cards.  to be tied up, be delayed Me entretuve hasta muy tarde arreglando unas cosas. I was tied up until very late getting some things in order.
  • entretenido (see entretener) entertaining, amusing.
  • entretenimiento pastime.
  • entrevista interview.
  • entrevistar to interview.
  • entristecer [-zc-] to sadden, be depressing Lo negro entristece. Black is depressing.
     entristecerse to become sad Se entristeció mucho al saberlo. He became sad when he found out.
  • entumecer to numb El frío entumece los miembros. Cold numbs the limbs.
     entumecerse [-zc-] to become numb.
  • enturbiar to roil, make muddy El temporal enturbió las aguas. The storm roiled the water.  to dim (vision) La fiebre le enturbió la vista. The fever dimmed his vision.
     enturbiarse to become muddy El agua se enturbió con la lluvia. The water became muddy because of the rain.
  • entusiasmar to make enthusiastic Las noticias entusiasmaron al público. The news made the public enthusiastic.
     entusiasmarse to be enthusiastic Los muchachos se entusiasmaron con la música. The boys were enthusiastic about the music.
  • entusiasmo enthusiasm.
  • entusiasta [m, f] enthusiast.
  • envejecer [-zc-] to age, become old.
  • envenenamiento poisoning.
  • envenenar to poison.
  • enviado envoy.
  • enviar to send Envíe Ud. la carta por correo aéreo. Send the letter airmail.
     enviarle a uno a paseo to send one about his business, tell someone to go chase himself.
  • envidia envy.
  • envidiable enviable.
  • envidiar to envy Envidia a todos sus amigos. He envies all his friends.
  • envidioso envious.
  • envío shipment.
  • envolver [rad-ch I] to wrap No envolvieron bien la caja. They didn't wrap the box well.
  • envuelto (see envolver) involved Siempre está envuelto en líos. He's always involved in some sort of a mess.
  • epidemia epidemic.
  • episodio episode.
  • época epoch, time, times, period.
  • equilibrio balance.
  • equipaje [m] baggage, luggage Si va Ud. en avión no podrá llevar mucho equipaje. If you go by plane you won't be able to take much luggage.—En la frontera van a registrar el equipaje. They're going to examine the baggage at the border.
  • equipo team; equipment.
  • equivalencia equivalent Déme Ud. la equivalencia en dólares. Give me the equivalent in dollars.
  • equivocación [f] mistake Se llevó mi abrigo por equivocación. He took my coat by mistake.
  • equivocar to mistake, confuse Equivocó los paquetes. He mixed up the packages.
     equivocarse to make a mistake, be wrong Se equivoca Ud. You're wrong.  equivocarse de to . . . the wrong . . .