Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/143

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  • magnífico magnificent, excellent, grand.
  • mago wizard.
  • maguey [m] maguey (plant).
  • maíz [m] corn, maize.
  • majadero silly, foolish.  [n] blockhead.
  • majestad [f] majesty.
  • majestuoso [adj] grand, majestic.
  • mal (see malo) bad Hemos pasado un mal rato. We have had a bad time.  [m] illness Su mal era incurable. His illness was incurable.  harm Gozaba haciendo el mal. He enjoyed doing harm.  [adv] badly Todo va muy mal. Everything is going very badly.
     de mal en peor from bad to worse Vamos de mal en peor. We are going from bad to worse.  estar mal de to be badly off (or in a bad way) as regards Estoy mal de dinero. I'm badly in need of money.  mal hecho poorly done Ese trabajo está mal hecho. That work is poorly done.  wrong.
    || No hay mal que por bien no venga. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. || Quien canta su mal espanta. He who sings drives away his grief.
  • malcriado ill-bred, spoiled.
  • maldad [f] wickedness, evil deed; harm.
  • maldecir [irr] to damn, to curse.
  • maldición [f] curse.
  • maldito [adj] cursed, damned.
  • malestar [m] indisposition; discontent, dissatisfaction.
  • maleta suitcase.  bundle [Am] Haga una maleta con esta ropa. Make a bundle of these clothes.
     hacer la maleta to pack the suitcase; to get ready to leave.
  • maletero porter (carrier).
  • maletín [m] overnight bag, small case.
  • maleza weeds.
  • malicia malice Lo hizo sin malicia. He did it without malice.
     tener malicia to be malicious Aquellas palabras parecían tener malicia. Those seemed to be malicious words.
  • malicioso malicious; risque.
  • maligno malignant.
  • malo bad, unpleasant El tiempo está muy malo. The weather is very bad.  difficult, hard, bad ¡Qué rato tan malo hemos pasado! What a bad time we've had!  naughty Este niño es demasiado malo. This child's very naughty.  ill Tan malo se puso que murió a las dos horas. He became so ill that he died two hours later.
     por las malas o por las buenas whether you like it or not Lo harás por las malas o por las buenas. You will do it whether you like it or not.
    || Ese es un tipo muy malo. He's a bad egg.
  • malograr to waste, to miss, fail to take advantage of (as time, opportunity, etc) Malograron la ocasión. They failed to take advantage of the opportunity.
     malograrse to fail La empresa se malogró. The business failed.
  • malsano unhealthy, unhealthful, unsanitary, unwholesome.
  • maltratar to mistreat, to abuse.
  • malvado wicked.  [n] wicked person, villain.
  • mamá [f] mamma, mom.
  • mameluco overalls [Am].
  • manantial [m] spring, source of stream.
  • manar to flow out, spring De la roca manaba tina fuente.  spring flowed out of the rock.
  • mancha spot, stain Le cayó una mancha en el traje. She got a spot on her dress.  patch (of ground or vegetation) Sólo había algunas manchas de vegetación cerca del río. There were only a few patches of vegetation near the river.
  • manchado (see manchar) spotted, mottled Un perro manchado.  spotted dog.
  • manchar to stain, soil.
  • manco one-armed.
  • mandadero messenger; errand boy.
  • mandado See mandar.  [m] errand; message.
  • mandamiento order, command; commandment.
  • mandar to order, direct Mandó salir a la criada. He ordered the maid to leave.  to send Al llegar mandaron el equipaje al hotel. When they arrived they sent their luggage to the hotel.  to send, transmit Mande Ud. recuerdos a nuestro amigo. Send my regards to our friend.
     mandar a paseo to tell someone to go fly a kite.
  • mandato order, mandate, command.
  • mando order El general dio el mando de retirarse. The general gave the order to retreat.  leadership, sternness Era hombre de mucho mando. He was a man of great leadership.  control Los mandos del avión no funcionaban. The controls of the plane were out of order.
     (alto) mando high command El mando decidió atacar de madrugado. The high command decided to attack at dawn.  estar al mando to be in com-