Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/144

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  • mand Está al mando del sector. He's in command of the sector.  tomar el mando to take command Un comandante tuvo que tomar el mando de la división. A major had to take command of the division.
  • manecilla hand (of a watch, clock, or gage).
  • manejar to manage, handle Manejó bien el dinero y aumentó los ingresos. He handled the money well and increased the income from it.  to drive [Am] ¿Ha aprendido Ud. a manejar el coche? Have you learned to drive the car?
     manejarse to move about Se manejaba ya sin las muletas. He was already moving about without crutches.  to get along Se maneja bien. He gets along all right.  to manage, succeed in ¿Cómo se maneja Ud. para hacer esto? How do you manage to do this?
  • manejo handling El manejo de esto ofrece peligro. This is a dangerous thing to handle.—El manejo de la dinamita es peligroso. The handling of dynamite is dangerous.  driving (a car) [Am].  management, control Lleva todo el manejo de la tienda. He is in complete charge of the shop.  intrigue Con sus manejos consiguió lo que quería. He got what he wanted by intrigue.
  • manera way, manner ¿Qué manera es esa de contestar? Is that the way to answer?
     de (esta) manera this way, in this manner Hágalo Ud. de esta manera. Do it this way.  de mala manera rudely Lo dijo de mala manera. He said it in a rude way.  de manera que so, as a result Ayer no fui, de manera que tengo que ir hoy. I didn't go yesterday, so I have to go today.  de ninguna manera by no means De ninguna manera lo aceptaré. By no means will I accept it.  de otra manera in another way No se lo puedo decir de otra manera. I can't tell him any other way.  otherwise Estaba allí de otra manera no le hubiera hablado. He was there, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to him.  de todas maneras at any rate De todas maneras iremos. In any case we'll go.  en cierta manera in a way En cierta manera, tiene Ud. razón. In a way you are right.  maneras manners No tiene buenas maneras. He hasn't got good manners.  no hay manera de there's no way to No hay manera de traducirlo. There's no way to translate it.
  • manga sleeve Las mangas le estaban cortas. His sleeves were short for him.
     andar manga por hombro to be in a mess En aquella casa todo andaba manga por hombro. Everything was in a mess in that house.  de manga ancha indulgent Es hombre de manga ancha con sus hijos. He's very indulgent with his children.  not too scrupulous.  en mangas de camisa in shirt sleeves Por el calor estaban en mangas de camisa. They were in their shirt sleeves because of the heat.  manga (de riego) hose La manga (de riego) no funcionaba. The hose didn't work.
  • mango handle; mango (fruit).
  • manguito muff.
  • maní [m] peanut [Am].
  • mania madness; mania; hobby.
     tomar manía (a) to dislike, have a grudge (against).
  • manifestación [f] demonstration (parade).
  • manifestar [rad-ch I] to express, show En la carta manifestaba estar conforme. In the letter he expressed his agreement.
     manifestarse to make a demonstration Los obreros quisieron manifestarse, pero no pudieron. The workers wanted to make a demonstration, but couldn't.
  • manifiesto manifest, plain, obvious.  [m] manifesto.
  • manilla hand (of watch, clock, gage).
  • mano [f] hand.  coat (of paint, varnish, etc) Hay que una mano de barniz. We must give it a coat of varnish.  first player (next to dealer) La mano echó un triunfo. The first player led a trump.  mishap, misfortune [Am] Nos pasó una mano. We had a slight accident.
     a mano by hand La carta estaba escrita a mano. The letter was written by hand.  near by, within reach Póngalo Ud. a mano. Put it within reach.  a mano derecha or izquierda on the right or left Su habitación está a mano derecha. His room is on the right.  de la mano by the hand Llevaba el niño de la mano. She was leading the child by the hand.  de segunda mano second-hand.  echar una mano to lend a hand.  hecho a mano handmade.  mano a mano tête-à-tête Se pusieron a hablar mano a mano. They had a tête-à-tête.
  • manojo bunch (of flowers or vegetables).