Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/147

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  • The dough was made for the bread.  mass (of people) Su discurso iba dirigido a las masas. His speech was directed to the masses.
     con las manos en la masa in the act, red-handed Le cogieron con las manos en la masa. They caught him in the act.  masa de la sangre inner nature, blood Eso lo tiene en la masa de la sangre. It's in his blood.
  • masacre [m] massacre.
  • mascar to chew Tragúelo, no lo masque. Swallow it, don't chew it.
  • máscara [f] mask.  [m, f] masquerader.
     baile de máscaras masquerade ball.  máscara contra gases gas mask.  vestido de máscara in costume.
  • mascota mascot, good-luck charm.
  • masculino masculine.
  • mástil [m] mast, pole, post.
  • mata plant, bush, shrub.
  • matanza slaughter.
  • matar to kill.  to trump Me mató el rey. He trumped my king.
     estar a matar con to have a feud with, be on bad terms with No me hables de Pérez, estoy a matar con él. Don't speak to me about Pérez; we're on bad terms.  matar de aburrimiento to bore to death Ese trabajo me mata de aburrimiento. That job bores me to death.  matar de hambre to starve En aquel hotel nos mataban de hambre. They starved us at that hotel.  matar dos pájaros en un tiro to kill two birds with one stone.  matar el tiempo to kill time Mató el tiempo leyendo el periódico. He killed time reading the paper.  matarse to kill oneself Intentó matarse con una pistola. He tried to kill himself with a pistol.  to get killed Se mató en un accidente de automóvil. He got killed in an automobile accident.
  • mate [m] maté (South American tea).
  • matemáticas [f pl] mathematics.
  • materia material, substance ¿De qué materia está hecho esto? What material's this made of?  matter, topic La materia que discutimos es interesante. The matter we're discussing is interesting.  subject Enseñaba varias materias. He taught several subjects.
     entrar en materia to come to the point, get down to business.  materia prima raw material.
  • material [m] material ¿Con qué material se hace esto? What material's used to make this?  equipment Tiene una fábrica de material eléctrico. He has an electrical equipment factory.
  • maternal maternal, motherly.
  • materno maternal, on the mother's side.
  • matiz [m] shade, tint.
  • matón [m] bully, overbearing person.
  • matorral [m] thicket, brush.
  • matrimonio marriage Contrajo matrimonio hace tres días. He got married three days ago.  married couple Era un matrimonio bien avenido. They were a harmonious couple.
  • maullar to meow.
  • máxima maxim, proverb.
  • máximo [adj; m] maximum.
  • mayo May.
  • mayor larger, largest; bigger, biggest Juan es mayor que su hermano. John's bigger than his brother.  older, oldest ¿Cómo se llama su hermana mayor? What's your older (or oldest) sister's name?  main (of streets) Viven en la calle mayor. They live on the main street.  [m] major Fué mayor en el Ejército. He was a major in the Army.
     al por mayor wholesale Sólo vendemos al por mayor. We sell wholesale only.  la mayor parte (de) the majority (of), the greater part (of).  ser mayor de edad to be of age.
  • mayoría majority, greater part.
     mayoría de edad majority (of age.)  llegar a la mayoría de edad to come of age.
  • mayorista [m] wholesale merchant [Am].
  • me [obj pron] me, to me; myself, to (or for) myself Cuando me vieron anoche me estaba afeitando. When they saw me last night I was shaving.
  • mecánica mechanics.
  • mecánico mechanical Este juguete es mecánico. This is a mechanical toy.  [m] mechanic Trabajó de mecánico en una fábrica. He worked as a mechanic in a factory.
  • mecanismo mechanism, works (of machines).
  • mecanógrafo, mecanógrafa typist.
  • mecedora rocking chair.
  • mecer to rock Mecía al niño en la cuna. He rocked the child in the cradle.
     mecerse to rock (oneself), swing, sway Las flores se mecían en el viento. The flowers were swaying in the wind.
  • medalla medal.
  • media stocking Llevaba medias negras. She wore black stockings.  sock [Am] Entró a comprarse unas medias. He went in to buy some socks.
  • mediación [f] mediation.
  • mediado (see mediar) half-filled, half-full La jarra estaba mediada. The