Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/148

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  • pitcher was half-filled.  half-gone, half-over.
     a mediados de in (or about) the middle of (a period of time) Estamos a mediados de mes. We're in the middle of the month.
  • medianería partition (wall).
  • mediano [adj] medium Es de estatura mediana. He's of medium height.  mediocre Su trabajo era muy mediano. His work was very mediocre.
  • mediante through, by means of Mediante influencia pudo embarcar. He was able to book passage because he had pull.
     Dios mediante God willing.
  • mediar to mediate Quiso mediar en la discusión. He wanted to mediate in the argument.
  • medicina medicine ¿Qué año de medicina cursa Ud.? What year of medical school are you in?—El doctor le recetó una medicina. The doctor prescribed a medicine for him.
  • médico [adj] medical.  [n] physician.
  • medida measure, measurements Voy a tomarle la medida. I'm going to take your measurements.  rule, measure Aquella medida afectaba a todo el mundo. That rule applied to everybody.  number, size ¿Cuál es su medida de calzado? What's your shoe size?
     a la medida to order, to measure, custom-made El traje está hecho a la medida. The suit's custom-made.  a medida que as A medida que lleguen, dígales Ud. que pasen. As they arrive, tell them to come in.  llenar (or colmar) la medida to be the last straw Eso colma la medida. That's the last straw.  sin medida without moderation Bebe sin medida. He drinks to excess.  tener medida to have a sense of proportion or moderation No tiene medida en lo que hace. He has no sense of proportion in what he does.  tomar medidas to take measurements Me tomaron medidas para el traje. They took my measurements for the suit.  to take measures or steps Tomaron medidas para evitar la rebelión. They took steps to prevent the revolt.
  • medio [adj] half, half a ¿Quiere Ud. medio polio? Would you like half a chicken?  mid, middle of Podemos vernos a media tarde. We can meet in the middle of the afternoon.  [m] middle El auto se paró en medio de la carretera. The car stopped in the middle of the road.  means No veo medio de solucionar esto. I see no means of solving this.
     a medias fifty-fifty, halves Iremos a medias en el negocio. We'll go fifty-fifty in the business.  a medio camino halfway to a place Ya estamos a medio camino. We're halfway there.  a medio hacer half-done Este trabajo está a medio hacer. This work's halfdone.  hacer algo a medias to do something poorly, do a half-baked job No haga Ud. las cosas a medias. Don't do a half-baked job.  ir a medias to go fifty-fifty, to go halves.
  • mediocre mediocre.
  • mediodía [m] noon, midday.
  • medir [rad-ch III] to measure Midió el ancho y el largo de la habitación. He measured the length and width of the room.  to measure, weigh No mide lo que dice. He doesn't weigh his words.
  • meditación [f] meditation, thought.
  • meditar to meditate, think.
  • mejilla cheek.
  • mejor [adj] better Esta casa es mejor que la otra. This is a better house than the other one.  best Es la mejor casa del pueblo. It's the best house in town.
     a lo mejor perhaps, maybe A lo mejor mañana no llueve. Maybe it won't rain tomorrow.  mejor dicho or rather, or better Iré a las tres, mejor dicho a las tres y cuarto. I'll go at three, or rather at a quarter past three.  mejor que rather than, instead of Mejor que escribir, ponga Ud. un telegrama. Instead of writing, send a telegram.  mejor que mejor all the better, so much the better Si viene, mejor que mejor. If he comes, so much the better.
  • mejora improvement, getting better; renovation, alteration.
  • mejorar to improve, recover Se le'veía mejorar rápidamente. He was obviously improving fast.  to improve, get better Han mejorado los negocios. Business has improved.  to improve, make better Con las obras mejoraron la casa. With the alterations, the house was improved.
  • melancolía gloom, blues.
  • melancólico melancholy, sad.
  • melena long hair.
  • melocotón [m] peach.
  • melodía melody.
  • melón [m] melon, cantaloupe.
  • meloso honeylike, sweet.