Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/149

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  • memorable memorable.
  • memoria memory (not used for things remembered) Su memoria era magnífica. He had a wonderful memory.  memorandum, report Escribió una memoria con los gastos hechos. He made a memorandum of the expenses.
     de memoria by heart Me lo aprendí de memoria. I learned it by heart.  hacer memoria to recall, remember Haga Ud. memoria y recuerde lo que pasó. Try to recall what happened.  memorias regards Muchas memorias a su familia. My regards to your family.  memoirs.
  • mencionar to mention.
  • mendigo, mendiga beggar.
  • menear to stir Hay que menearlo mientras cuece. It has to be stirred while it's cooking.  to shake No menee Ud. la mesa. Don't shake the table.  to wag El perro meneaba la cola. The dog was wagging his tail.
  • menester [m] occupation, duty Los menesteres de la casa. Household duties.
     ser menester to be necessary No es menester que venga a verme. You don't have to come to see me.
  • menesteroso needy, poor.  [n] beggar.
  • menguar to diminish, decrease.
  • menor smaller, smallest María es la menor de las tres. Mary's the smallest of the three.  younger, youngest Es de la misma edad que mi hermano menor. She's the same age as my younger brother.  less, least, slightest No tengo la menor idea. I haven't the least idea.  [m] minor No es apto para menores. It isn't suitable for minors.
     al por menor at retail Vendía'sólo al por menor. He sold only at retail.  minutely, in great detail Refirió al por menor todo lo sucedido. He reported in great detail everything that happened.  menor de edad under age, minor.
  • menoría  menoría de edad minority (of age).
  • menorista [m] retail merchant [Am].
  • menos less, least Mi hermano tiene seis años menos que yo. My brother's six years younger than I am.—Es el menos caro de todos. It's the least expensive of all.  [prep] except, but Puede Ud. usar todos los libros, menos éste. You may use all the books but this one.
     al menos at least Procure Ud. al menos llegar a la hora. At least try to come on time.  a menos que unless Le espero mañana a menos que Ud. me avise. I'll expect you tomorrow unless you let me know otherwise.  echar de menos to miss Echaba mucho de menos a sus amigos. He missed his friends very much.  lo de menos the least of it Eso es lo de menos. That's the least of it.  lo menos at least En el combate perecierona le menos seiscientos hombres. At least six hundred men died in the action.  menos de (before a numeral) less than Tengo menos de quince. I have less than fifteen.  por lo menos at least Por lo menos costará cien pesos. It'll cost at least a hundred pesos.  venir a menos to lose social position Esa familia ha venido mucho a menos. That family's lost its social position.
  • mensaje [m] message [Am]; dispatch [Sp].
  • mensajero, mensajera messenger [Am]; courier [Sp].
     paloma mensajera carrier pigeon.
  • mensual [adj] monthly.
  • menta mint, peppermint.
  • mental mental.
  • mente [f] mind (mental faculties).
  • mentir [rad-ch II] to lie, tell lies.
  • mentira lie.
     parece mentira it seems impossible Parece mentira que tenga tanta edad. It seems impossible that you're that old.
    || ¡Mentira! That's a lie!
  • menudeo  al menudeo at retail.
  • menudo tiny, very small Era una mujer muy menuda. She was a very small woman.  [m] coins, change [Am] Déme cambio en billetes y menudo. Give me change in bills and coins.
     a menudo often Iba a verle a menudo. He used to go to see him often.
  • menudillo giblets.
  • mercado market En este mercado hay fruta y hay carne. There's fruit and meat in this market.
     mercado de valores stock market.  tener mercado con to trade with Tenemos mercado con toda América. We trade with all America.
  • mercancía merchandise, goods.
  • mercantil commercial, mercantile.
  • merced [f] favor Tenga Ud. la merced de . . . . Please . . . .
     estar a merced de to be at the mercy of.  su merced you (courteous and familiar) [Col] Si su merced quiere, iremos. If you want to, we'll go.
  • merecer [-zc-] to deserve La cuestión