Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/153

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  • dado con lo que dices porque se molesta muy fácilmente. Be careful of what you say, for he's easily annoyed.  molestarse (en) to bother (to), take the trouble (to) No se moleste en hacer tantos viajes. Don't bother making so many trips.
  • molestia trouble Perdone Ud. tantas molestias. I'm sorry to trouble you so much.  discomfort No se encontraba muy bien, tenía algunas molestias. She wasn't very well; she suffered some discomfort.
  • molesto uncomfortable ¿Está Ud. molesto? Are you uncomfortable?  annoyed Se sentía molesto y dejó de hablarle. He was annoyed and stopped speaking to her.
  • molete [m] disorder, mix-up, confusion [Am].
  • molino mill.
  • momento moment.
     al momento right away, immediately.  por momentos any moment, soon.
  • mona female monkey.  hangover Tiene una mona horrible. He has a terrible hangover.
     como la mona terrible, lousy [Arg] Me siento como la mona. I feel terrible.
  • mondar to peel.
  • mondas [f pl] peelings.
  • moneda coin Dejó algunas monedas sobre la mesa. He left some coins on the table.  currency ¿Dónde podré cambiar moneda extranjera? Where can I exchange foreign currency?
     pagar en la misma moneda to pay back in one's own coin, give tit for tat.
  • monja nun.
  • monje [m] monk.
  • mono [adj] cute ¡Qué mona es esta muchacha! What a cute girl!  [m] monkey El mono está metido dentro de la jaula. The monkey's in the cage.
     mono (de mecánico) overalls [Sp] Llevaba puesto un mono de mecánico. He was wearing overalls.
  • monótono monotonous.
  • monstruo monster.
  • monstruoso monstrous.
  • montado (see montar) astride.
  • montador [m] assembler (of machinery).
  • montaña mountain.
  • montañoso mountainous.
  • montar to ride (horseback) No monte Ud. ese caballo porque le tirará a Ud. Don't ride that horse; he'll throw you.  to set up, assemble, install Hubo que montar una máquina en la fábrica. A machine had to be installed in the factory.  to set (a precious stone) Montaron en el anillo cinco diamantes. They set five diamonds in the ring.
     montar a to amount to (in money) ¿A cuánto monta mi deuda? How much does my debt amount to?  montar a caballo to ride horseback Montaba a caballo todas las mañanas. He went horseback riding every morning.  montar en to get on or in, board (a vehicle) Al montar en el automóvil me hice daño en un pie. I hurt my foot getting in the automobile.  montar en cólera to get furious Al oír aquello, montó en cólera. When he heard that he got furious.  montarse to get up onto, mount Se montaron a caballo y se fueron. They mounted their horses and left.
  • monte [m] mountain Subió hasta lo más alto del monte. He climbed to the very top of the mountain.  woods, forest El monte era tan espeso que casi no se podía andar por él. The forest was so thick that one could hardly walk through it.
  • montón [m] heap, pile Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer. I have a lot of things to do.
  • monumental monumental, tremendous.
  • monumento monument.
  • moño knot, bun (of hair).
  • mora blackberry; Moorish woman.
  • moral [adj] moral No es un libro muy moral. It's not a very moral book.  [f] morale La moral de aquellos hombres era magnífica. The morale of those men was excellent.  [m] black mulberry tree.
  • moralidad [f] morals, morality.
  • morder [rad-ch I] to bite.
  • moreno dark-skinned, brunet(te).  [n] colored person [Antilles].
  • morir [irr] to die Cuando murió lo rodeaba toda su familia. All his family was around him when he died.
     estarse muriendo por to be dying to, be very anxious to Me estoy muriendo por verla. I'm dying to see her.  morirse to die Se murió el año pasado. He died last year.—Se moría de miedo. He was scared to death.  morirse de hambre to starve to death Por no morirse de hambre aceptó aquel trabajo. He took the job to keep from starving to death.  morirse por to like very much, be crazy about Se muere por la cerveza. He's crazy about beer.  ¡Muera . . .! Down with . . .! ¡Muera el rey! Down with the king!