Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/154

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  • moro [adj] Moorish.  [n] Moor.
  • morocho dark-skinned [Am].
  • mortal [adj] fatal La herida que recibió era mortal. The wound he received was fatal.  deadly, terrible Un enemigo mortal. A deadly enemy.  [m] mortal being Eso les ocurre a todos los mortales. That happens to all mortals.
  • mortificar to mortify, humiliate Lo que dije me mortifica. What I said mortifies me.  to hurt, bother Estos zapatos me mortifican. These shoes hurt.
     mortificarse to torment oneself.
  • mosca fly.
  • mosquito mosquito.
  • mostaza mustard.
  • mostrador [m] counter (in a shop).
  • mostrar [rad-ch I] to show Le mostró la herida al médico. He showed the doctor his wound.  to show, display Mostraba una gran tristeza. He showed great sadness.
     mostrarse to appear, show oneself Quiso mostrarse indulgente en ese momento. He wanted to appear lenient at that moment.
  • mote [m] nickname; alias.
  • motín [m] uprising, revolt, riot.
  • motivar to cause.
  • motivo motive, reason.
     por ningún motivo under no circumstances.
  • motor [m] motor.
  • mover [rad-ch I] to move Mueva Ud. esta mesa hacia el rincón. Move this table toward the corner.  to make use of Movió sus influencias para conseguir un puesto. He made use of his connections to get a job.  to motivate No le movía al interés de la ganancia. He wasn't motivated by gain.  to stir Mueva Ud. la sopa hasta que hierva. Stir the soup until it boils.
     mover la cola to wag the tail.  moverse to move Procure no movase tanto. Try not to move so much.
  • movible [adj] movable.
  • móvil mobile Pertenece a una brigada móvil. He belongs to a mobile brigade. [m] motive ¿Qué móvil tuvo Ud. para venir aquí? What made you come here?
  • movilización [f] mobilization.
  • movilizar to mobilize.
  • movimiento movement, move A la hora en punto el tren se puso en movimiento. The train pulled out exactly on time.  movement Pertenecia a un movimiento progresista. He belonged to a progressive movement.  traffic Hay mucho movimiento en esa calle. There's a lot of traffic in that street.  animation, action La primera escena tiene mucho movimiento. The first scene has a lot of action.
  • mozo lad, young man (of peasant class).  waiter ¡Mozo, tráigame la lista del almuerzo! Waiter, bring me the luncheon menu!  porter, red-cap.
     buen mozo good-looking [Am]; well-built [Sp].
  • mucamo, mucama servant [Am].
  • muchacha girl Me parece una excelente muchacha. She seems like a fine girl.  young girl (in her teens) Sus hijas son ya unas muchachas. Her daughters are already in their teens.  maid Dígale a la muchacha que haga las camas. Tell the maid to make the beds.
  • muchachada boyish action, prank; [Arg] gang of boys.
  • muchacho boy Estaba jugando con otros muchachos. He was playing with other boys.
  • mucho [adj] much No tiene mucha fuerza. He hasn't much strength.  long, extended Hace mucho tiempo que le estoy esperando. I've been waiting a long time for you.  [adv] much, a lot Bebía mucho. He used to drink a lot.  often Esas cosas ocurren mucho. Those things happen often.  long No me haga Ud. aguardar mucho. Don't make me wait long.
     muchos many Había muchos niños en la plaza. There were many children in the square.  ni mucho menos nor anything like it, far from it No es tonto, ni mucho menos. He's not stupid; far from it.  sentir mucho to be very sorry Siento mucho lo que le sucede. I'm very sorry about what happened to him.
  • mudanza moving, changing residence; change, evolution.
  • muda change of underwear.
  • mudar (de) to change Mudaba de opinión cada día. He changed his mind daily.—Hubo que mudar toda la instalación eléctrica. All the electric installations had to be changed.
     mudarse (de) to change (clothes) ¿Se mudó Ud. de traje? Did you change your clothes?  mudarse (de casa, piso, or habitación) to move, change residence Decidió mudarse (de casa) aquel mismo día. He decided to move that very day.
  • mudo dumb, mute; speechless.  [n] mute (person unable to talk).
     cine mudo silent films.