Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/161

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  • ocurrencia witticism, wisecrack Las ocurrencias de aquel hombre hacían reír a todos. That fellow's wisecracks made everyone laugh.
  • ocurrir to occur, happen Salga Ud. a ver qué ocurre. Go out and see what's happening.
     ocurrirsele a uno to occur to one Se me ocurrió una buena idea. A good idea occurred to me.
  • ochavo penny.
     no tener ni un ochavo to be penniless.
  • ochenta eighty.
  • ocho eight; eighth (day of the month).
  • odiar to hate.
  • odio hatred.
  • odioso mean, nasty ¡Qué odioso! How nasty!
  • oeste [m] west.
  • ofenderse to take offense Se lo dije y no se ofendió. I told him and he didn't take offense.
  • ofensa insult, offense (personal).
  • ofensivo [adj] offensive.
  • oferta offer.
  • oficial [adj] official Fué en misión oficial. He went on an official mission.  [m] officer Fué oficial del Ejército. He was an army officer.
     oficial mayor chief clerk (government or civil service).
  • oficina office (room).
  • oficinista [m, f] office worker, white-collar worker; clerk.
  • oficio manual work, occupation, trade ¿Qué oficio tiene Ud.? What's your occupation?—Es carpintero de oficio. He's a carpenter by trade.
     oficio(s) divino(s) church service(s).
  • ofrecer [-zc-] to offer Me ofrecen un nuevo empleo. They're offering me a new job.
     ofrecerse to offer oneself, be at the service of Me ofrezco a Ud. para todo. I'm completely at your service.
  • ofrecimiento offer, offering.
  • ofrenda offering (religious).
  • ¡oh! O! oh!
  • oída hearing.
     de (or por) oídas by hearsay.
  • oído (inner) ear Le duelen los oídos. He has an earache.  hearing Era muy duro de oído. He was very hard of hearing.
     al oído in the ear, whispering Le murmuró algo al oído. She whispered something in his ear.  dar oídos to listen, lend an ear No quiso dar oídos a aquello. He didn't want to listen to that.  de oído by ear Tocaba el piano de oído. He played the piano by ear.  tener buen oído to have a good ear (for music); to have good hearing.
  • oír [irr] to hear No oigo bien; hable más alto. I don't hear well; speak louder.  to listen Óigame, por favor, tengo que hacerle una pregunta. Listen, please, I have to ask you a question.
    || ¡Oiga! Hello! (telephone) [Sp].
  • ojal [m] buttonhole.
  • ¡ojalá! || ¡Ojalá (que) venga! I wish he'd come!
  • ojeada glance.
     echar una ojeada to cast a glance.
  • ojear to glance through Ojeó rápidamente el periódico. He quickly glanced through the paper.
  • ojo eye El médico le examinó los ojos. The doctor examined his eyes.
     costar un ojo de la cara to cost plenty Nos costó un ojo de la cara. It's cost us plenty.  en un abrir y cerrar de ojos in the twinkling of an eye.  ¡ojo! look out! ¡Ojo! Que se va a caer. Look out! It's going to fall.  ojo de agua spring of water.  ojo de la llave keyhole.  ojo morado, ojo negro black eye Le pusieron un ojo negro. They gave him a black eye.  poner ojo to pay (close) attention ¡Ponga Ud. ojo en esto! Pay attention to this!  tener buen ojo to have a good eye or good foresight Ha tenido Ud. buen ojo. You've shown good foresight.
  • ola wave (of water).
  • oleaje [m] ground swell, motion of waves.
  • oler [rad-ch I] to smell Esto huele muy bien. This smells very good.—Olió el peligro y decidió no salir. He smelled danger and decided not to go out.
  • olfato sense of smell.
  • olivar [m] olive grove.
  • oliva olive.
  • olivo olive tree.
  • olla pot.
  • olor [m] smell, odor.
  • oloroso fragrant.
  • olvidar to forget ¿Ha olvidado Ud. algo? Have you forgotten something?
     olvidarse (de) to forget Olvídese de lo ocurrido. Forget what's happened.
  • olvido forgetfulness.
  • omisión [f] omission.
  • omitir to omit.