Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/162

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  • ómnibus [m] bus.
  • once eleven; eleventh (day of month).
  • onda wave (of hair); ripple (of water).
     onda corta, onda larga short wave, long wave (radio).
  • ondulación [f] wave, waiving.
     ondulación permanente permanent wave.
  • ondulado (see ondular) wavy.  [m] wave, waving.
  • ondular to ripple, wave.
  • onza ounce.
  • opaco opaque.
  • ópera opera.
  • operación [f] operation Los médicos decidieron hacer la operación. The doctors agreed to perform the operation.  operation (Math), calculation ¿Quiere Ud. comprobar las operaciones? Do you want to check the calculations?  operation (Mil) El general dirigía las operaciones. The general directed the operations.
  • operar to operate on Le han operado de apendicitis. They operated on him for appendicitis.
  • operario, operaría operator, skilled worker.
  • opinar to judge, hold (or be of) the opinion.
  • opinión [f] opinion ¿Qué opinión tiene Ud. de esto? What's your opinion about this?
  • oponer [irr] to set up Opusieron toda cíese de obstáculos. They set up all kinds of obstacles.
     oponerse (a) to oppose Nadie se opuso a aquel proyecto. No one opposed that project.
  • oportunidad [f] opportunity.
  • oportuno opportune, fitting, appropriate Su intervención fué oportuna. His intervention was opportune.
  • oposición [f] opposition.
  • oprimir to oppress Oprimía a los débiles. He oppressed the weak.  to be tight El cinturón le oprimía demasiado. The belt was too tight on him.
  • óptico optometrist Voy al óptico para comprar unos lentes. I'm going to the optometrist to get glasses.
  • optimismo optimism.
  • optimista optimistic.  [m] optimist.
  • opuesto (see oponer) [adj] opposed.  opposite Estaba situado en el lado opuesto. It was situated on the opposite side.
  • opulento rich, opulent.
  • oración [f] sentence Escribe oraciones muy cortas. He writes very short sentences.  prayer Rezó sus oraciones. He said his prayers.
  • orador [m] orator.
  • órbita [f] orbit.
  • orden [f] order (s), command, instruction No he recibido ninguna(s) orden(es) de mis superiores. I haven't received any order (s) from my superiors.  order (commercial) Despacharemos su orden vía Nueva Orleans. We'll ship your order via New Orleans.  order (religious) La orden franciscana. The Franciscan order.  [m] order Trabajaba sin ningún orden. He had no order in his work.
     a sus órdenes at your service.  en orden in order Todo estaba en orden. Everything was in order.  orden del día agenda, order of the day.
  • ordenar to put in order Tenemos que ordenar estos papeles. We must put these papers in order.  to order Ordenó que le sirvieran la comida. He ordered them to serve his dinner.
     ordenarse to be ordained.
  • ordinario usual ¿Cuál es el precio ordinario de esto? What's the usual price of this?  ordinary Era un hombre ordinario. He was an ordinary man.  vulgar Es un tipo muy ordinario. He's a very vulgar fellow.
     correo ordinario regular mail.  de ordinario usually De ordinario viene por la mañana. He usually comes in the morning.
  • oreja ear Tiene las orejas grandes. He has big ears.  handle [Am] Se le rompió la oreja a la taza. The handle of the cup broke.
     descubrir la oreja to give oneself away.
  • orgánico organic.
  • organismo organism.
  • organización [f] organization.
  • organizador [adj] organizing.  [m] organizer.
     comité organizador, comisión organizadora committee on arrangements.
  • organizar to organize Van a organizar el club la semana que viene. They're going to organize the club next week.  to arrange, organize Organizó una fiesta. She arranged a party.
  • órgano organ La cantante fué acompañada por un órgano. The singer was accompanied by an organ.—No tiene órgano sano. He hasn't a healthy organ in his body.—Ese periódico es el