Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/187

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  • que va a llover?" "¿Quién sabe?" "Do you think it'll rain?" "Who knows?"
  • quienquiera whoever Deja pasar a quienquiera que venga. Whoever comes, let him in.
  • quieto [adj] still Estése quieto un momento. Stand (or Sit) still a moment.  calm El lago ha estado quieto todo el día. The lake's been calm all day.  quiet Es una chica muy quieta. She's a very quiet girl.
  • quietud [f] quiet, repose.
  • quijada jaw.
  • química chemistry.
  • químico chemical.  [n] chemist.
  • quince fifteen.
  • quincena  por quincena(s) every two weeks, semi-monthly.
  • quinientos five hundred.
  • quinina quinine.
  • quinta country house.
  • quintal [m] a hundred pounds.
  • quinto [adj] fifth.  [m] nickel (coin) [Mex].
  • quitar to take away Quitaremos esta mesa de aquí. We'll take this table away from here.  to subtract Hay que quitar esta cantidad del total. You have to subtract this amount from the total.
     quitarse to take off (clothing) No se quite el abrigo. Don't take off your overcoat.  to come out Estas manchas no se quitan. These stains won't come out.  to give up Se ha quitado el vicio de la bebida. He's given up drinking.  quitarse de en medio to get out of the way.  quitarse el agua to stop raining [Am] Cuando se quite el agua saldremos. When it stops raining we'll go out.  quitarse un peso de encima to take a load off one's mind.  quitar tiempo to take (too much) time Este trabajo le quita mucho tiempo. This work's taking too much of his time.
  • quizá, quizás perhaps, maybe.


  • rábano radish.
     tomar el rábano por las hojas to misinterpret.
  • rabia rabies El perro tiene rabia. The dog has rabies.  rage, fury.
     dar rabia to make furious, to anger Me da rabia no haber ido. It makes me furious that I didn't go.  tener rabia to have a grudge against Le tengo una rabia tremenda. I've a terrible grudge against him.  tomar rabia to develop a grudge against Le tomó rabia sin tener porqué. He developed a grudge against him for no reason at all.
  • rabiar to be mad, be furious, to rage.
  • rabioso furious, enraged; rabid.
  • rabo tail (without hair or feathers) El ratón se cogió el rabo en la ratonera. The mouse's tail got caught in the trap.
     (con el) rabo entre (las) piernas crestfallen Volvió con el rabo entre las piernas. He came back crestfallen.
  • rabona  hacer rabona to cut or skip (class, etc); to play hookey.
  • racha streak, string, series Ha habido una racha de crímenes. There's been a series of crimes.
     buena racha streak of good luck.
  • racimo cluster, bunch.
  • radiador [m] radiator.
  • radio [f in Sp & Arg, m in rest of Am] radio El radio dio la noticia. The news came over the radio.  [m] radium.
     radio de acción range El radio de acción de aquella emisora era muy extenso. That transmitter had a very long range.
  • radiograma [m] radiogram.
  • raído frayed, threadbare.
  • raíz [f] root Este árbol tiene las raices muy hondas. This tree has very deep roots.
     arrancar de raíz to uproot.
  • raja split, crack; slice (of food).
  • rajar to split, rend.  to slice Hay que rajar el melón. The melon has to be sliced.  to chatter, gossip [Slang].
     rajarse to crack El cristal del reloj se rajó. My watch crystal cracked.  to hold back Siempre se raja a última hora. He always holds back at the last moment.
  • ralo thin, sparse; [Antilles] weak (of infusions).
  • rama branch, twig, bough ¡No te cuelges de esa rama! Don't hang from that branch!  branch Aquel apellido era de otra rama de la familia. That name came from another branch of the family.