Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/188

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  •  andarse por las ramas to beat about the bush.
  • ramo bough (cut off tree).  bouquet, bunch Le ofreció un ramo de flores. He gave her a bouquet of flowers.  branch La química es un ramo de la ciencia. Chemistry's a branch of science.  (line of) business El ramo de ferretería. The hardware business.
  • rancho mess (of food), chow ¿A qué hora dan el rancho? What time's chow?  hut [Am] Viven en ranchos de paja. They live in thatched huts.  ranch [Am] Tiene un rancho muy grande. He has a very big ranch.  man's flat straw hat [Am].
  • rancio rancid; old (of wine, nobility).  old-fashioned, antiquated Es un hombre muy rancio. He's a very old-fashioned man.
  • rapidez [f] rapidity, swiftness.
  • rápido [adj] rapid, quick Era muy rápido en sus decisiones. He was very quick in his decisions.  [m] express (train) A las nueve pasó el rápido. The express went by at nine.
  • raqueta racket (tennis).
  • raro rare, unusual Era raro que recibiera carta. It was unusual for him to get a letter.—Los muebles coloniales son muy raros hoy día. Colonial furniture's rare nowadays.  odd, strange ¡Qué cosa más rara! What a strange thing!
  • rascacielos [m sg] skyscraper.
  • rascar to scratch.
  • rasgar to tear Se rasgó los pantalones. He tore his pants.
  • rasgo stroke Los rasgos de ese dibujo son muy acentuados. The strokes in that drawing are very heavy.  impulse Tuvo un rasgo muy digno de alabanza. He had a very worthy impulse.
     a grandes rasgos briefly, in outline, in a few words Se lo contaré a grandes rasgos. I'll tell it to you in a few words.  rasgos features Sus rasgos me eran familiares. His features were familiar to me.  rasgos (de carácter) characteristics Tiene rasgos (de carácter) muy desagradables. He has very unpleasant characteristics.
  • rasgón [m] tear Llevaba un rasgón en el traje. He had a tear in his clothes.
  • rasguño scratch Se hizo un rasguño en la cara. He got a scratch on his face.
  • raspadura bruise Tengo una raspadura en el brazo. I have a bruise on my arm.
  • raspar to scrape, scratch out.
  • raspón [m] bruise.
  • rastreador [m] scout.
  • rastrear to scout, track down.
  • rastro track, trail Los perros perdieron el rastro al llegar al río. When they reached the river, the dogs lost the track.  trace Después del huracán no quedó ni rastro de la casa. After the hurricane not a trace of the house was left.
     seguir el rastro to track down, follow the scent.
  • rata rat.
  • ratero pickpocket.
  • rato (short) while Espere Ud. un rato. Wait a while.
     al poco rato very soon, after a little while Nuestros amigos llegarán al poco rato. Our friends will come after a little while.  a ratos perdidos in one's spare time Leía a ratos perdidos. He read in his spare time.  pasar el rato to while away the time, pass the time away.  pasar un buen rato to have a good time.
  • ratón [m] mouse.
  • raya dash, line; crease (in trousers); part (in hair); ray fish.  line (sports) La pelota cayó fuera la raya. The ball fell outside of the line.
     tener a raya to keep within bounds, control, restrain.
  • rayar to draw lines on, rule.  to scratch (make scratches on) Está Ud. rayando la mesa. You're scratching the table.
  • rayo flash (or bolt) of lightning Cayó un rayo e incendió la casa.  bolt of lightning struck the house and set it on fire.  ray Los rayos del sol queman en verano. The rays of the sun burn in summer.—Todavía quedaba un rayo de esperanza. There was still a ray of hope left.
  • raza race (anthropological).
  • razón [f] reason (reasoning power).  reason, sanity Ha perdido la razón. He's lost his reason.  reason, explanation Dé Ud. algunas razones si quiere convencerme. Give me some reasons if you want to convince me.  reason, cause Lo hizo sin razón. He did it without reason.  message [Am] Le daré la razón a la señora. I'll give her the message.
     a razón de at the rate of Pagará a razón de un seis por ciento al año. He'll pay at the rate of six per cent