Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/189

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  • a year.  atender a razones to listen to reason.  dar razón to give information Se alquila. Darán razón en la portería. For rent. See the janitor for information.  tener razón to be right.  no tener razón to be wrong.  tomar razón de to make a record of.
  • razonable reasonable.
  • razonar to reason.
  • reacción [f] reaction; political conservatism; reactionary force.
     entrar en reacción to warm oneself, warm up Encendió la estufa para entrar en reacción. He lit the stove to warm himself.
  • real real, actual La situación real no ha cambiado. The actual situation hasn't changed.  royal Pertenecía a la familia real. He belonged to the royal family.  [m] real (Sp coin worth about 25 cents) Esta revista cuesta un real. This magazine costs one real.
  • realidad [f] reality, fact.
  • realización [f] realization, execution La realización de los planes durará por lo menos un año. The execution of the plans will take at least a year.  sale El lunes pasado hubo una realización de todas las mercancías. There was a sale of all the merchandise last Monday.
  • realizar to accomplish Esto no es difícil de realizar. This isn't hard to accomplish.  to carry out Realizaron el plan con todos sus detalles. They carried out the plan in every detail.  to sell out Realizaron todas las existencias. They sold out all the goods in stock.
  • reanimar to cheer up, encourage; to revive.
  • rebaja reduction.
  • rebajar to reduce, lower Han rebajado un poco los precios. They've reduced the prices a little.  to reduce (in weight) He rebajado diez libras. I've reduced ten pounds.
     rebajarse to lower oneself No me rebajaré a hacer tal cosa. I won't lower myself to do such a thing.
  • rebelde rebellious.  [n] rebel.
  • recadero, recadera messenger.
  • recado message; errand.
  • recaída relapse.
  • recámara bedroom [Mex].
  • recambio  pieza de recambio spare part.
  • receloso distrustful, suspicious.
  • recepción [f] reception, formal gathering La recepción fué muy lucida. It was a very brilliant reception.  reception Les hicieron una recepción muy calurosa. They were given a very warm reception.
  • receta prescription (medicine).
     receta de cocina recipe (cooking).
  • rechazar to discard, reject, turn down Rechazó la idea de ir al campo. He turned down the idea of going to the country.  to drive back El enemigo fué rechazado a sus posiciones. The enemy was driven back to his positions.
  • recibir to receive Recibió Ud. ayer alguna visita? Did you receive any visitors yesterday?
     recibirse to graduate [Am] Se recibió de doctor. He graduated as a doctor.  ser bien (or mal) recibido to be (or not to be) well-taken Fué trial recibida su opinión. His opinion wasn't well-taken.
  • recibo receipt.
  • recién recently, newly Ese café está recién hecho. That coffee hasn't been made very long.  just, recently [Am] Recién me entero. I just found out.
     recién casados newlyweds.  recién llegado newcomer.
  • reciente new, fresh La pintura estaba reciente. The paint was fresh.  recent ¿Son estas noticias recientes? Is this news recent?
  • reclamación [f] reclamation; complaint; claim.
  • reclamar to claim Ud. ya no puede reclamar ese dinero. You can no longer claim that money.
     reclamar en juicio to sue.
  • reclamo advertising; claim [Am]; decoy.
  • recluta [m] recruit, rookie.
  • recobrar to recover, regain.
  • recoger to get Voy a recoger los papeles que dejé en mi despacho. I'm going to get the papers I left in my office.  to collect Han recogido mucho dinero para la Cruz Roja. They've collected a lot of money for the Red Cross.  to collect, gather up Recoja Ud. todas esas cosas y póngala en orden. Gather up all those things and put them in order.  to pick up Recoja Ud. eso que se te ha caído. Pick up what you dropped.  to take in, shelter Han recogido varios huérfanos. They've taken in several orphans.
     recogerse to go home, retire Se recoge muy tarde. He keeps late hours.