Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/190

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  • recomendación [f] recommendation.
  • recomendar to recommend ¿Me puede Ud. recomendar un buen restaurant? Can you recommend a good restaurant to me?  to recommend, advise Le recomiendo a Ud. que lo haga de prisa. I advise you to do it quickly.
  • reconocer to inspect, examine El paciente fué reconocido cuidadosamente. The patient was carefully examined.  to recognize Cuando le vi de nuevo, no le reconocí. When I saw him again, I didn't recognize him.  to acknowledge, admit ¿Reconoce Ud. su falta? Do you acknowledge your mistake?  to acknowledge, be grateful for Estoy reconocido a sus atenciones. I'm grateful for your kindness.
  • reconstruir to rebuild, reconstruct.
  • recordar [rad-ch I] to remember ¿Recuerda Ud. lo que le dije? Do you remember what I told you?  to remind Me recuerda mucho a su padre. He reminds me very much of his father.
  • recorrer to cover, travel Ayer recorrimos diez millas. Yesterday we covered ten miles.
  • recorrido route, course, run Ese cartero tiene un recorrido muy largo. That postman has a very long route.
  • recorte [m] scrap, cutting; clipping (newspaper).
  • recreo recreation.
  • recto [adj] straight Todo el camino era recto. The road was straight all the way.  just, fair Era un hombre recto. He was a just man.
     ángulo recto right angle.
  • recuerdo remembrance, memory Guardo muy buenos recuerdos de mi amistad con él. I have very happy memories of my friendship with him.  souvenir, memento Estos son recuerdos de nuestro viaje por Italia. These are souvenirs of our trip through Italy.
     recuerdos regards Dé Ud. recuerdos a su familia de mi parte. Give my regards to your family.
  • recurso means, argument Empleó todos los recursos para convencerle. He used every argument to convince him.
     recursos resources, means Estaba materialmente sin recursos. He was practically without means.
  • red [f] net Los pescadores tendieron la red. The fishermen spread out the net.  snare, trap Cayó en la(s) red(es) que le tendieron. He fell into the snare they set for him.
  • redacción [f] editorial staff Entró en la redacción de una revista. He joined the editorial staff of a magazine.  composition La redacción de esta carta es mala. This letter's badly written.
  • redactar to compose, frame in writing Esta carta está muy bien redactada. This letter's very well put.
  • redondo [adj] round.
     en números redondos in round numbers.
  • reducción [f] reduction, decrease.
  • reducir [-zc-] to reduce Redujo el presupuesto en su departamento. He reduced the budget in his department.
     quedar reducido a to be reduced to, be brought to a condition of El edificio quedó reducido a escombros. The building was reduced to rubble.  reducir a la obediencia to compel to obey.
  • reemplazar to replace.
  • reexpedir to forward (mail).
  • referencia reference ¿Cuáles son sus referencias? What are your references?
     dar referencias to inform.  hacer referencia a to refer to, mention Hizo referenda a un autor muy famoso. He referred to a very famous author.
  • referir [rad-ch II] to relate Refirió el caso con muchos detalles. He related the matter in great detail.
     referirse a to refer to ¿A qué se refiere Ud. cuando dice eso? What are you referring to when you say that?
  • reforma alteration.
     cerrado por reformas closed for alterations.
  • refrán [m] proverb, saying.
  • refrescar to cool Hay que refrescar el agua. The water must be cooled.  to get cool or cooler Esta refrescando la tarde. The afternoon's getting cooler.
     refrescar la memoria to refresh one's memory.  refrescarse to cool off Vamos a refrescarnos a la sombra de los árboles. Let's cool off in the shade of the trees.
  • refresco refreshment, cold drink Tomó un refresco para aplacar la sed. He took a cold drink to quench his thirst.
  • refrigerador [m] refrigerator.
  • refugiarse to take shelter.
  • regalar to present, give (gift) ¿Qué me vas a regalar por mi cumpleaños? What are you going to give me for my birthday?
  • regalo present, gift Recibió un buen regalo. He received a nice gift.