Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/192

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  •  no poder remediar not to be able to help No pudo remediar lo que pasó. He couldn't help what happened.
  • remedio remedy, medicine Se le dieron al enfermo varios remedios caseros. Various home remedies were given to the patient.
     ni para un remedio for love or money No pude encontrar un taxi ni para tin remedio. I couldn't get a taxi for love or money.  no hay más remedio que there's nothing to do but No hay más remedio que dejarle marchar. There's nothing to do but let him go.  no tener más remedio que to have no recourse but No tuve más remedio que ir. I had no recourse but to go.  no tener remedio to be beyond repair Lo que has hecho no tiene remedio. What you've done's beyond repair.  sin remedio hopeless, beyond hope Es un caso sin remedio. He's a hopeless case.
  • remendar [rad-ch I] to mend, patch, repair.
  • remiendo patch.
  • remitir to remit, send.
  • remo oar; [Slang] leg.
  • remolacha beet.
  • remolcar to tow.
  • remontar to go up Remontaron el curso del río. They went up the river.
     remontarse to get excited, be excited Procure Ud. no remontarse tanto. Try not to be so excited.  remontarse a to go back to En su conferencia el profesor se remontó a fechas muy lejanas. The professor went back to very early times in his lecture.  to date from, date back to Ese hecho se remonta al siglo dieciseis. That event dates back to the sixteenth century.
  • remordimiento remorse.
  • remover [rad-ch I] to dig up, loosen (soil) Removió la tierra para sembrar la semilla. He dug up the ground to plant the seeds.  to stir Remueva Ud. la sopa. Stir the soup.  to shake La explosión removió la casa. The explosion shook the house.
     remover (de un cargo or puesto) to dismiss (from a post or office) Removieron a todos los empleados. All the employees were dismissed.
  • rendir [rad-ch III] to yield, produce Esta hacienda rinde muy poco. This farm produces very little.  to conquer, win (over) Con sus amabilidades la rindió. With his attentions, he conquered her.  to surrender El general rindió la plaza al enemigo. The general surrendered the city to the enemy.
     estar rendido to be all in.  rendir cuentas to give (or render) an account Tuvo que rendir cuentas. He had to render an account.  rendirse to become exhausted, be worn out Se rindió de tanto correr. He became exhausted from running so hard.  to surrender, give up Después de seis días se rindió la plaza. After six days the garrison surrendered.  to yield, give in No quería rendirse a la evidencia. He didn't want to yield to the evidence.
  • rengo lame [Arg].
  • renguear to limp, hobble [Arg].
  • renquear to limp, hobble.
  • renta rent No hemos pagado la renta de la casa este mes. We haven't paid this month's rent on the house.  income; interest (from a bank account) ¿Qué renta anual le produce su capital? What's the annual income on your capital?
  • rentar to rent for ¿Cuánto renta ese cuarto? How much does that room rent for?  to produce, yield Estos valores rentarán mucho en el futuro. These stocks will yield a great deal in the future.
  • renuncia resignation; renunciation.
  • renunciar to resign Tuvo que renunciar a su puesto. He had to resign from his position.  to refuse, reject Renunció a aquel honor. He refused that honor.  to give up, renounce Hay que renunciar a esos planes. Those plans have to be given up.
  • reñido (see reñir) on bad terms Estamos reñidos. We're on bad terms.
  • reñir [rad-ch III] to wrangle, quarrel, argue Le gustaba reñir por cualquier cosa. He'd quarrel about anything.  to scold No le riña Ud. más. Don't scold him any more.
  • reorganizar to reorganize.
  • reparar to repair Había que reparar el edificio. The building had to be repaired.
     reparar en to consider No reparó en las consecuencias. He didn't consider the consequences.  to notice No reparó en el saludo que le hice. He didn't notice my greeting.
  • reparo objection Los reparos de Ud. no son razonables. Your objections aren't reasonable.
     poner reparo(s) to make objection(s) ¿Puso algún reparo a aquella