Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/194

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  • hasta su regreso. She reserved the room for him until his return.  to keep in reserve Reserve Ud. ese dinero, puede hacerle falta. Keep that money in reserve; you may need it.
     reservarse to keep for oneself Se reservó el mejor asiento. He kept the best seat for himself.
    || Reservado el derecho de admisión. Catering to a restricted clientele.
  • resfriado cold (sickness).
  • resfriarse to catch cold.
  • residencia residence, house; student's boarding house.
  • residente [adj] resident.
  • residir to reside, live.
  • resignarse to be resigned.
  • resistencia resistance; strength, stamina.
  • resistente strong; resistant.
  • resistir to resist, put up resistance Resistieron en la ciudad durante un mes. They resisted in the city for a month.
     resistirse a to refuse to Se resistió a comer. He refused to eat.
  • resolución [f] decision, resolution; courage, resoluteness.
  • resolver [rad-ch I] to decide Era necesario resolver con toda urgencia.  decision had to be made immediately.  to solve Resolvió el problema. He solved the problem.
     resolverse to bring oneself to the point (of) No se resuelve a tomar una decisión. He can't bring himself to the point of making a decision.
  • respaldar to indorse Respalde Ud. este documento. Indorse this document.  to back, support El jefe respaldaba sus actos. The chief supported his actions.
  • respaldo back (of a seat).
  • respecto  (con) respecto a with respect to, with regard to.
  • respetable respectable Era un hombre respetable. He was a respectable man.  considerable Le debía una cantidad respetable. I owed him a considerable sum.
  • respeto respect.
  • respiración [f] respiration Le faltó la respiración. He got short of breath.
  • respirar to breathe Respire Ud. fuerte. Breathe deeply.
  • responder to answer, respond No respondió riada. He didn't answer anything.  to respond, react Ha respondido muy bien al tratamiento. He responded very well to the treatment.  to be the result, be due Esa ley responde a una necesidad pública. That law's the result of a public need.  to repay, requite.
     responder de to answer for ¿Quién responde de los daños? Who answers for the damages?  to back (up) ¿Quién responde de él? Who backs him up?
  • responsable responsible, reliable Es un hombre muy responsable. He's a very responsible man.
     ser responsable to be in charge Quién es la persona responsable aquí? Who's in charge here?  ser responsable de to be responsible for, be to blame for Ese hombre es responsable del incendio. That man's responsible for the fire.
  • responsabilidad [f] responsibility.
  • respuesta answer, reply.
  • resquebrajado cracked.
  • resta subtraction.
  • restar to subtract.  to be left, remain No resta nada que hacer. Nothing remains to be done.
  • restaurante [m] restaurant.
  • resto remainder, balance, rest Es el resto del dinero. It's the rest of the money.  pile, stack (of chips in playing cards) Le juego mi resto. I bet my pile.
     echar el resto to do one's best Echó el resto por conseguir trabajo. He did his best to get a job.  restos leftovers Esa cocinera sabe aprovechar los restos. That cook knows how to use leftovers.  restos (mortales) (mortal) remains Trasladaron los restos al cementerio. They took the remains to the cemetery.
  • restorán [m] restaurant.
  • resuelto (see resolver) determined, resolute Es un hombre muy resuelto. He's a very determined man.
  • resultado result.
  • resultar to result, turn out La fiesta resultó muy bien. The party turned out very well.  to wear, last ¿Qué traje le ha resultado mejor? Which suit wore better?
  • resumen [m] summary, abstract, resume.
     en resumen in brief, in short.
  • retener [irr] to withhold Le retuvieron el sueldo aquel mes. They withheld his salary that month.  to keep, remember, retain (in one's mind) No podía retener las fechas en la cabeza. He couldn't remember dates.  to hold, keep Retuvieron aquella colina