Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/196

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  • orden no reza conmigo. The order doesn't concern me.
  • rezo [m] praying.
  • rico rich, wealthy Era el más rico del pueblo. He was the richest man in the town.  rich (in) Hay vegetales muy ricos en vitaminas. Some vegetables are very rich in vitamins.  delicious ¡Qué más rico el sabor de esta carne! What a delicious flavor this meat has!  cute ¡Qué niño más rico! What a cute child!
  • ridículo ridiculous Su aspecto era ridículo. His appearance was ridiculous.
     poner en ridículo to put in a ridiculous position La conducta de su mujer lo puso en ridículo. The conduct of his wife put him in a ridiculous position.
  • ridiculizar to ridicule.
  • rienda rein Sujete Ud. bien las ríendas. Hold on to the reins.
     a rienda suelta without restraint Se rió a rienda suelta. He laughed without restraint.  dar rienda suelta a to give free rein to Dio rienda al llanto. She gave free rein to her tears.
  • riesgo danger, risk Corrió mucho riesgo. He ran a big risk.
  • rifar to raffle.
  • rígido stiff, rigid; severe, stern.
  • rigor [m] rigor, severity.
     en rigor in fact.  ser de rigor to be indispensable.
  • riguroso rigorous, strict, severe.
  • rincón [m] (inside) corner Ponga Ud. la silla en el rincón. Put the chair in the corner.  remote spot Buscó un rincón donde vivir tranquilo. He looked for a remote spot where he could live quietly.
  • riñon [m] kidney.
  • río river.
  • riqueza wealth; abundance.
  • risa laugh, laughter La risa es contagiosa. Laughter's contagious.
     cosa de risa a laughing matter No es cosa de risa. It's not a laughing matter.
  • risueño smiling, cheerful.
  • rizador [m] curler, curling iron.
  • rizo curl.
  • robar to rob, plunder Ese hombre roba a todo el mundo. That man robs everybody.  to steal Robó el dinero. He stole the money.  to draw (in cards) Ahora le toca a Ud. robar. Now it's your turn to draw.
  • roble [m] oak.
  • robo robbery, theft.
  • robusto robust, vigorous, hale.
  • roca rock; cliff.
  • rodar [rad-ch I] to roll La piedra rodaba cuesta abajo. The stone was rolling downhill.  to wander about, roam Empezó a rodar por el mundo. He began to roam around the world.  to roll in Ahora rueda el dinero más que nanea. Now the money rolls in more than ever.
     rodar una película to shoot a movie Se empezó a rodar la película. They started shooting the picture.
  • rodear to surround, encircle El río rodeaba la ciudad. The river surrounded the city.—La casa está rodeada de árboles. The house is surrounded with trees.  to take the long way around.
     rodearse to surround oneself Procuró rodearse de buenos amigos. He tried to surround himself with good friends.
  • rodeo turn, winding Ese camino da un rodeo muy grande. The road makes a wide turn.  roundup Hubo rodeo la semana pasada. There was a roundup last week.
     dejarse de rodeos to stop beating around the bush Déjese de rodeos y conteste claramente. Stop beating around the bush and give me a straight answer.
  • rodilla knee Póngase Ud. de rodillas. Get down on your knees.  dusting cloth, rag Limpie Ud. con esa rodilla. Clean it with that rag.
  • rogar [rad-ch I] to request, beg Me rogó que le esperara. He begged me to wait for him.  to plead Le rogó y le rogó pero no consiguió convencerle. He pleaded and pleaded but couldn't convince him.
  • rojo red.
     al rojo red-hot, to red heat.
  • rollo roll, anything rolled up.
  • romance [m] ballad, poem.
  • romántico romantic.
  • romper [irr] to break Rompió el vaso. He broke the glass.  to break, break off relations Han roto con esa familia. They've broken with that family.
     al romper el día, al romper el alba at dawn, at daybreak.  romper a to start to Rompió a hablar cuando nadie lo esperaba. He started to talk when nobody expected it.  romper la marcha to lead the march Rompía la marcha un escuadrón de caballería.