Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/197

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  • A squadron of cavalry led the march.  romperse to break ¡Cuidado que puede romperse! Be careful, it may break!  to fracture, break (bone) Se rompió una pierna. He broke his leg.  to be torn Se le ha roto el traje. Your dress is torn.
  • roncar to snore.
  • ronco hoarse.
  • ropa clothes Voy a planchar la ropa. I'm going to iron the clothes.
     a quema ropa point-blank Le disparó a quema ropa. He fired at him point-blank.  ropa blanca linen.  ropa hecha ready-made clothes.  ropa limpia clean laundry.  ropa sucia soiled laundry.
  • ropero closet, wardrobe.
  • rosa rose.
     color de rosa pink.
  • rosario rosary.
  • rosca thread (screw); spiral.  ring (bread or cake).
     hacer la rosca to flatter.
  • rostro face.
  • roto (See romper) broken La silla estaba rota. The chair was broken.—El compromiso quedó roto. The engagement was broken.  tear Tiene Ud. un roto en el pantalón. You have a tear in your trousers.
  • rótulo sign.
  • rozadura chafed spot, sore spot.
  • rozar to clear (ground) Empezó a rozar la tierra. He began to clear the ground.  to graze, rub El avión rozó ligeramente el suelo. The airplane grazed the ground.
    || No le gustaba rozarse con nadie. He didn't like to have anything to do with anybody.
  • rubia [f] blonde.
  • rubio [adj] blond (e), fair.
  • rúbrica flourish, mark, distinctive flourish after a signature.
  • rudo rude, rough Aquel hombre era muy rudo. That man was very rude.  hard La jornada fué muy ruda. The journey was very hard.
  • rueda wheel.
  • ruego plea, request.
  • ruido noise ¿Qué ruido es ese? What's that noise?  comment, discussion Aquel suceso dio mucho ruido. That event caused a lot of comment.
    || Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Much ado about nothing.
  • ruidoso noisy.
  • ruina ruin, decline Aquel negocio fué su ruina. That business was his ruin.
     en ruinas in ruins La ciudad quedó en ruinas. The city was left in ruins.
  • ruinoso ruinous.
  • rumba rumba (dance).
  • rumbo direction Salió con rumbo a Europa. He left for Europe.
     fiesta de rumbo lavish party.
  • rumor [m] murmur Un rumor confuso salió del público. A confused murmur arose from the crowd.  rumor Corre el rumor de que va a cambiar la política. Rumor has it that there'll be a change of policy.
  • rústico rustic, rural.
  • ruta route, way.


  • sábado Saturday.
  • sábana sheet.
  • saber [irr] to know ¿Sabe Ud. español? Do you know Spanish?  to know how ¿Sabe Ud. nadar? Do you know how to swim? —

Sabe Ud. cómo llegar a ese lugar? Do you know how to get to that place?  to taste Esto sabe mal. This tastes bad.  to . . . usually or customarily [Am] Sabe venir los domingos. He usually comes on Sunday.
 a saber namely, i.e. Son tres: a saber, Enrique, Juan y María. They are three; namely, Henry, John, and Mary.  demasiado saber to know only too well Demasiado'sé que es verdad. I know only too well that it is true.  saber a to taste of La sopa sabe a ajo. The soup tastes of garlic.  saberse to become known, be found out ¡Cuidado, puede saberse! Be careful, you may be found out!  un no'sé qué a certain something Ella tiene un no'sé qué muy agradable. She has a certain something that is very pleasing.
|| ¡Qué sé yo! How do I know? || ¿Quién sabe? Who knows? || ¡Ya lo'sé! I know (it)!

  • sabiduría learning, knowledge.
  • sabio [adj] wise Doña María es une mujer muy sabia. Mary's a very wise woman.  [n] learned or wise person.
  • sablazo borrowing.
     dar un sablazo to make a touch,