Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/212

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  • situation must be considered before deciding.  to judge, estimate [Am] Tantee Ud. el peso de esto. Estimate the weight of this.  to feel out Tantéelo Ud. antes de hablarle claro. Feel him out before speaking plainly to him.  to feel, test Tantearnos el piso para, ver si era fuerte. We tested the floor to see if it was strong.
  • tanteo computation, calculation; points, score.
  • tanto so, much He comido tanto que ya no tengo hambre. I've eaten so much that I'm no longer hungry.—No debe Ud. trabajar tanto. You shouldn't work so much.  so many Ha ido tantas veces que conoce muy bien el lugar. He has gone so many times that he knows the place very well.—Eran tantos que faltó comida. There were so many that there wasn't enough food.  so long No tardará tanto si va en auto. He won't take so long if he goes by car.  so often Yo no voy tanto al teatro como mi hermano. I don't go to the theater as often as my brother does.  [m] part [Am] Mezclaba tres tantos de cal por cinco de arena. He mixed three parts lime with five of sand.  point (in games) Ganaron por dos tantos a cero. They won two to nothing.
     entre tanto meanwhile Entre tanto sentémonos. Meanwhile let's sit down.  estar al tanto to keep informed, be on the alert Yo estaba al tanto. I was on the alert.  no ser para tanto not to be so serious No es para tanto el asunto. It's not such a serious matter.  por lo tanto so, therefore Es tarde, por lo tanto debemos irnos ya. It's late so we ought to go now.  tanto como as much as Sabe tanto como su hermana. He knows as much as his sister.  tanto más cuanto que so much more since Tanto más cuanto que yo no lo esperaba. So much more since I didn't expect it.  tanto mejor so much the better Si llega Ud. antes, tanto mejor. If you get there before, so much the better.  tener al tanto de to keep one posted or informed Téngame al tanto de lo que pase. Keep me informed of what's happening.  un tanto rather, somewhat Llegó un tanto cansado. He arrived rather tired.
    || ¡Se lo he pedido tanto! I've asked him so many times! || ¡Tanto bueno por aqui! It's good to see you here!
  • tapa lid Dónde está la tapa de la caja? Where's the lid of the box?  cover Las tapas de este libro están manchadas. The covers of this book are stained.
  • tapado lady's overcoat [Am].
  • tapar to cover Tape el café para que no se enfríe. Cover the coffee so it won't get cold.  to obstruct (or block) one's view No puedo ver porque me tapa esa columna. I can't see because that pillar blocks my view.  to cover up for Su madre le tapa todas sus diabluras. His mother covers up all his deviltries.
     taparse to bundle up, wrap (oneself) up Tápese bien que hace frío afuera. Bundle up for it's cold outside.  to cover oneself Se tapó la cara con las manos. She covered her face with her hands.
  • tapete [m] small rug; cover for a table.
  • tapia wall, brick fence.
  • tapioca tapioca.
  • tapiz [m] tapestry; carpet (without pile).
  • tapón [m] cork, stopper; fuze.
  • taquigrafía shorthand.
  • taquilla ticket office, ticket window.
  • tarantín [m] kitchen utensils [Am] Hay muchos tarantines en esta cocina. There are many utensils in this kitchen.
  • tardanza delay, slowness, lateness, tardiness.
  • tardar to delay, be long No tarde mucho. Don't be long.  to take (time) Tardaron varios meses en hacer el trabajo. They took several months to do the work.
     a más tardar at the latest A más tardar, vendré el'sábado. I'll come Saturday at the latest.
  • tarde [m] afternoon, early evening Estaré en casa por la tarde. I'll be at home in the afternoon.  [adv] late Más vale tarde que nunca. Better late than never.
     de la tarde (at a certain hour) in the afternoon. Venga Ud. a, las tres de la tarde. Come at three in the afternoon.  hacerse tarde to become (or get) late Se hace tarde y no estamos listas. It's getting late and we're not ready.  por la tarde afternoon Nos veremos el lunes por la tarde. We'll get te gether Monday afternoon.  tarde o temprano sooner or later Tarde o temprano lo sabrá. He'll find out sooner or later.
    || Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. or Good evening.