Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/213

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  • tarea task.
     por tarea against time [Am] Está trabajando por tarea. He's working against time.
  • tarifa rates, tariff; list or schedule of prices, taxes, etc.
  • tarjeta card; visiting card; filing card.
  • tata [m] papa.
  • taz  taz con taz equal, the same, side by side [Am] Quedaron taz con taz. They were equal.
  • taza cup.
  • tazón [m] bowl (utensil).
  • [m] tea ¿Quiere una taza de té? Do you want a cup of tea?
  • te you, to you; yourself, to (for) yourself Te buscan. They are looking for you.—Te lo daré cuando lo encuentre. I'll give it to you when I find it.—¡Cuidado, no te cortes! Careful, don't cut yourself!
  • teatro theater.
  • techo ceiling; roof.
  • técnica technique.
  • tecolote [m] owl [Mex].
  • tecomate [m] gourd, canteen [Am].
  • teja roof tile.
  • tejado roof.
  • tejer to weave; [Am] to knit.
  • tela cloth, material No me gusta la tela de este traje. I don't like the material in this dress.
     tela metálica screen wire; wire fencing.
  • telefonear to telephone, phone.
  • telefonista [m, f] telephone operator.
  • teléfono telephone.
     teléfono automático dial telephone.
  • telegrafiar to telegraph, send a telegram.
  • telégrafo telegraph.
  • telegrama [m] telegram.
  • telón [m] theater curtain.
  • tema [m] subject, topic, theme.
  • temblar [rad-ch I] to tremble, shiver Está temblando de frío. He's shivering with cold.  to quake [Am] En ese país tiembla mucho. There are many earthquakes in that country.
  • temblor [m] tremor.
     temblor de tierra earthquake.
  • tembloroso trembling.
  • temer to fear, be afraid of.
  • temerario rash; unwise.
  • temible [adj] fearful, terrible.
  • temor [m] fear.
  • temperamento temperament.
  • temperatura temperature.
  • tempestad [f] storm, tempest.
  • templado brave, courageous Es un tipo muy templado. He's a courageous fellow.  temperate Francia está en la zona templada. France is in the temperate zone.  mild Hoy hace un día templado. It's a mild day today.  tuned El violin no está bien templado. The violin isn't tuned.  tepid, lukewarm Déme Ud. agua templada. Give me some tepid water.
  • templar to tune.
     templarle la gaita a uno to humor one.
  • templo temple, church.
  • temporada spell, period of time, season Pasaremos tina temporada en la playa. We'll spend some time at the beach.  season ¿Ha empezado ya la temporada de ópera? Has the opera season started yet?
  • temporal temporary Tengo tin trabajo temporal. I have a temporary job.  [m] storm El temporal duró varios días. The storm lasted several days.
  • temprano [adj, adv] early
  • tenaz tenacious, persevering Es muy tenaz en sus propósitos. He's very persevering.  stubborn La resistencia fué tenaz. Resistance was stubborn.
  • tenaza pliers, tongs.
  • tendencia tendency.
  • tender [rad-ch I] to stretch, spread out Estaba tendiendo el mantel sobre la mesa. She was putting the tablecloth on the table.  to hang (clothes) Tienda Ud. esa ropa al sol. Hang that wash out in the sun.  to extend, offer (one's hand) Al verlo le tendió la mano. When he saw him he offered him his hand.  to build (engineering) Tendieron un puente y una línea ferroviaria. They built a bridge and a railroad.
     tenderse to stretch out, lie full length Se tendieron sobre la arena. They stretched out on the sand.
  • tendero, tendera shopkeeper.
  • tendón [m] sinew, tendon.
  • tenedor [m] holder; keeper; fork.
     tenedor de libros bookkeeper.
  • tener [irr] to have, possess Tengo un automóvil nuevo. I have a new car.  to hold Téngalo Ud. por los brazos. Hold him by the arms.  to have, contain Cada caja tiene veinticuatro pildoras. Each box contains twentyfour pills.  to have, carry, sell ¿Tienen aquí libros en español? Do you carry Spanish books here?  to have, entertain Hoy tendremos invitados. We're going to entertain some guests today.  to be, live (in a place) Tenemos muchos años de vivir aquí. We've lived here many years.