Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/43

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separately Ponga este paquete aparte. Put this package aside.

  • apearse to get off Se prohibe apearse en marcha. Don't get off while the vehicle's in motion.
  • apellido (family) name.
  • apenado sorry, grieved Estaban apenados por la enfermedad de su tía. They were grieved by the illness of their aunt.  worried [Am] Estábamos apenados porque no recibíamos noticias. We were worried because we weren't getting any news.
  • apenas scarcely, hardly Apenas puede andar. He can hardly walk.  as soon as Apenas llegue, avíseme. Let me know as soon as he comes.
  • apertura opening (of exhibition, public event).
  • apetito appetite.
  • apiñado gathered in a crowd La gente está apiñada para ver el desfile.  crowd of people gathered to see the parade.
  • apio celery.
  • aplanar to smooth, flatten.
     aplanarse to be in low spirits, get depressed Se aplanó después del fracaso. He got very depressed after his failure.
  • aplastar to crush Aplastaron toda resistencia. They crushed all resistance.  to flatten Le aplastaron las narices. They flattened his nose.
     aplastarse to flatten oneself Se aplastaron contra la pared. They flattened themselves against the wall.
  • aplaudir to applaud.
  • aplauso applause.
  • aplicado (see aplicar) studious, industrious Es un estudiante muy aplicado. He's very studious.
  • aplicar to apply, put on Le aplicaron a la silla una capa de pintura. They put a coat of paint on the chair.
     aplicarse to apply oneself.
  • aplomo self-possession, poise Tiene mucho aplomo. He has a lot of poise.
  • apoderarse de to take possession of, seize.
  • apodo nickname.
  • aporrear to beat up, club.
  • apostar to bet ¿Cuánto apuesta Ud.? How much do you bet?
     apostar a que to bet that Apuesto a que llego yo antes de Ud. I bet I get there before you.
  • apoyar to rest, prop Apoye el pie en ese escalón. Rest your foot on that step.  to back, support, second Nadie apoyó su proposición. No one supported his motion.—Apoyo la proposición. I second the motion.
     apoyarse to support oneself, lean Se apoya en un bastón. He's leaning on a cane.
  • apoyo prop, support.
  • aprecio esteem, respect, liking Le tengo mucho aprecio. I have great respect for him.
  • aprender to learn.
  • apresurar to hasten, hurry No apresure el paso; llegaremos a la hora. Don't walk so fast; we'll get there on time.
     apresurarse to hurry up Haga el favor de apresurarse; ya llegamos tarde. Please hurry; we're late already.
  • apretar [rad-ch I] to tighten Apriete este tornillo. Tighten this screw.  to be too tight on Me aprieta mucho este cuello. This collar's too tight.  to press down on, put pressure on, compress Apretó para cerrar la maleta. He pressed down on the suitcase to close it.  to grip Me apretó la mano. He gripped my hand.  to clench (fist or teeth).  to go faster, sprint El corredor apretó en la última vuelta. The runner sprinted on the last lap.
  • apretazón [f] crowd [Am] Era tanta la apretazón que nadie vio nada. There was such a crowd that nobody saw anything.
  • aprieto jam, tight spot Se vio en un aprieto. He found himself in a tight spot.
  • aprisa swiftly, fast, quickly Hace todo muy aprisa. He does everything very quickly.
  • aprobación [f] approval.
  • aprobar to approve of No apruebo su conducta. I don't approve of his conduct.  to pass (an examination) ¿Aprobó Ud. en el examen de matemáticas? Did you pass your math exam?
  • aprontar to advance [Am] El patrón tuvo que aprontarle algún dinero. The boss had to advance him some money.
  • aprovechar to profit by, make use of Aprovechaba todos los restos. She made use of all the left-overs.
     aprovecharse de to take advantage of No dejes que se aproveche de tí. Don't let him take advantage of you.
  • aprovisionar to supply, provision.
  • aproximarse to approach, move near No se aproxime Ud. demasiado al fuego. Don't go too near the fire.
  • apuesta bet, wager.