Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/44

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  • apunarse to become ill from altitude [Am].
  • apuntar to aim Apunta demasiado bajo para dar en el blanco. You're aiming too low to hit the target.  to jot down, make a note of Apúntelo en su cuaderno de notas. Jot it down in your notebook.
  • apurar to drain, drink up, consume Apuraron las copas. They drained their glasses.  to smoke to the end.
     apurar(se) to worry La situación me apura mucho. The situation worries me very much.—No se apure Ud. Don't worry.  to hurry ¡Apúrate niña! Hurry up, child!—¡Apúrale! Hurry up! [Am].
  • apuro jam, tight spot, fix Estoy en gran apuro. I'm in a jam.
  • aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas [adj] that, these Compré aquella bufanda que vimos ayer. I bought that scarf we looked at yesterday.
  • aquél, aquélla, aquéllos, aquéllas [pron] that (one), these Prefiero este libro a aquél. I like this book better than that one.
  • aquello [neu pron] that (thing) ¿Qué es aquello? What's that?
  • aquí here No está aquí. He isn't here.
     aquí dentro in here Les espero aquí dentro. I'll wait for you in here.  de aquí en adelante from now on De aquí en adelante tendremos que gastar menos. From now on we'll have to spend less money.  por aquí here, this way Venga Ud. por aquí. Come this way.
  • arado plow.
  • araña spider.
  • arañar to scratch.
  • arañazo scratch.
  • arar to plow.
  • araucano [adj, n] Araucanian.
  • arbitro arbitrator, umpire, referee.
  • árbol tree.
  • arbusto bush, shrub.
  • archivar to file, put in a file.
  • arco arch; bow (for arrows).
     arco iris rainbow.
  • arder to burn (be in flames) La leña mojada no arde bien. Wet firewood doesn't burn well.  to burn (with fever).
  • ardido burned up, sore [Am] Me tiene ardido con lo que me dijo. I was burned up by what he said.
  • ardiente [adj] burning.
  • ardilla squirrel.
  • arena sand.
  • arenoso sandy.
  • arenque [m] herring.
  • arepa arepa (corn griddle cake) [Am].
  • argumento argument, logic, premises No me convencen sus argumentos. His arguments don't convince me.  plot, story No me gustó el argumento de la película. I didn't like the plot of the movie.
  • árido arid, dry, barren.
  • aristocracia aristocracy.
  • arma weapon Se prohibe llevar armas. It's forbidden to carry arms.
  • armadura armor; framework.
  • armar to arm Armaron al pueblo. They armed the people.  to assemble, put together Hay que armar esta máquina. The machine has to be assembled.
     armar jaleo to make a racket Anoche armaron mucho jaleo. They made a big racket last night.  armarse to balk [Am] Las mulas se armaron a medio camino. The mules balked halfway there.  armarse de to arm or provide oneself with Se armó de una pistola. He armed himself with a pistol.  to build up [Am] Se armó de un buen negocio en poco tiempo. He built up a good business in a short time.
    || Siempre arma líos. He's always making a mess of things.
  • armario closet, wardrobe.
  • armonía harmony.
  • arqueo balance (in accounting).
  • arquitecto architect.
  • arquitectura architecture.
  • arrabal [m] suburb, outskirts.
  • arrancado broke [Am] Siempre está arrancado a fin de mes. He's always broke at the end of the month.
  • arrancar to root out, pull out, tear out Han arrancado tres páginas. Three pages have been torn out.  to start Vimos arrancar el automóvil. We saw the car start.
  • arranque [m] sudden impulse En un arranque me volví a mi pueblo. On a sudden impulse I returned to my home town.  starter Este automóvil tiene arranque automático. This car has a self-starter.
  • arrastrado (see arrastrar) low, contemptible ¡Qué tipo tan arrastrado! What a heel!  bootlicker, yes-man [Am] Consigue todo porque es muy arrastrado. He gets everything because he's a bootlicker.