Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/45

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  • arrastrar to drag, drag along Le arrastró la corriente. He was dragged along by the current.  to touch the floor or ground, drag Cuidado, le arrastra el abrigo. Be careful, your coat's dragging.
     arrastrarse to crawl, creep, drag oneself Salieron de la cueva arrastrándose. They crawled out of the cave.
  • arreglar to arrange, adjust, settle ¿Está todo arreglado para el viaje? Is everything arranged for the trip?  to fix Creo que arreglarán el radio esta tarde. I think they'll fix the radio this afternoon.
     arreglarse to tidy up, dress, put make-up on Arréglate un poco y valuónos al cine. Tidy up a bit and we'll go to the movies.  arreglárselas para to manage to ¿Cómo me las arreglaré para terminar a tiempo? How can I manage to finish on time?
  • arreglo arrangement, settlement, agreement; alteration.
     con arreglo a according to, in accordance with Lo hicimos con arreglo a sus instrucciones. We did it according to your instructions.
  • arrendar [rad-ch I] to rent, let ¿Quiere Ud. arrendar su casa? Do you want to rent your house?  to rent, hire Necesito arrendar una habitación. I want to rent a room.
  • arrepentirse [rad-ch II] to be sorry for, regret Se arrepentirá Ud. de esto. You'll be sorry for this.
  • arrestar to arrest, imprison.
  • arriba up, above Viven dos pisos más arriba. They live two flights up.  upstairs Los dormitorios están arriba. The bedrooms are upstairs.
     arriba de beyond, past (on higher level) Es más arriba de la plaza. It's past the square.  boca arriba, panza arriba, patas arriba face up, on one's or its back.  cuesta arriba uphill.  de arriba abajo from top to bottom, from head to foot Le miró de arriba abajo. He looked him up and down.  desde arriba from above Desde arriba se veía el río. From above one could see the river.  hacia arriba up, upwards El coche iba hacia arriba. The car was going up.  para arriba up, upward Vamos para arriba. Let's go up.  por arriba at or around the top, up there El sombrero estaba sucio por arriba. The hat was dirty around the top.
  • arriesgar to risk, hazard No le importa arriesgar la vida. He doesn't mind risking his life.
     arriesgarse to take risks Si no nos arriesgamos no haremos nada. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done.
  • arrimar to place or put near or close No arrimes tanto la mesa a la pared. Don't put the table so close to the wall.
    || ¡Arrima el hombro! Give me a hand!
  • arrinconar to neglect; to pigeonhole; to corner.
  • arrodillarse to kneel.
  • arrogante arrogant, haughty, proud.
  • arrojar to throw, hurl, cast Se prohibe arrojar objetos por la ventanilla. Don't throw things out the window.
  • arrollar to coil Hay que arrollar esa cuerda. That rope has to be coiled.  to trample, run over Fueron arrollados por la multitud. They were trampled by the crowd.
  • arroyo brook.
  • arroz [m] rice.
  • arrugar to wrinkle, crumple.
  • arruinar to ruin (financially) Ese hombre los ha arruinado completamente. That man ruined them completely.
     arruinarse to be ruined (financially) Con esos negocios se ha arruinado. He was ruined by that business.
  • arte [m or f] art ¿Le interesa el arte? Are you interested in art?—Las bellas artes. Fine arts.  skill Presenta sus argumentos con mucho arte. He presents his arguments with great skill.  craft, cunning.
  • arteria artery.
  • articulación [f] joint.
  • artículo article, news article Lea el artículo de la página dos. Read the article on page two.
     artículos things, goods Venden artículos de deportes. They sell sporting goods.
  • artificial artificial.
  • artista [m, f] artist.
  • artístico artistic.
  • arveja green pea [Am].
  • as [m] ace, star; ace (cards).
  • asado See asar.  [m] roast.
  • asaltar to assault, attack, hold up.
  • asamblea assembly, convention.
  • asar to roast Vamos a asar las castañas. Let's roast the chestnuts.