Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/69

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  • He lost consciousness as a result of the blow.
     a conciencia conscientiously Lo hizo a conciencia. He did it conscientiously.  painstakingly Hizo su trabajo a conciencia. He did his work painstakingly.
  • concierto concert ¿Va Ud. al concierto esta noche? Are you going to the concert tonight?
  • conciliar to conciliate, reconcile Es difícil conciliar todas las opiniones. It's difficult to reconcile all the opinions.
  • concisión [f] conciseness La concisión es una virtud. Conciseness is a virtue.
  • concluir to conclude, end, finish, close ¿A qué hora concluyó la sesión? What time did the meeting end?
  • conclusión [f] conclusion ¿Se ha llegado a alguna conclusión? Has any conclusion been reached?
  • concretar to express concretely Concrete Ud. su idea. Express your idea concretely.
     concretarse to limit or confine oneself Concrétese al tema. Confine yourself to the subject.
  • concreto definite, concrete ¿Le ha dicho a Ud. algo concreto? Has he told you anything definite?
     en concreto concretely, in so many words Dígame en concreto lo que necesita. Tell me in so many words what you need.
  • concurrir to attend Mucha gente concurrió a la sesión. Many people attended the meeting.
  • concurso competition, contest ¿Quiénes se presentaron al concurso? Who took part in the contest?
  • condado county.
  • conde [m] count (title).
  • condena sentence, term of imprisonment, penalty Cumplió su condena en el penal de Alcatraz. He served his sentence at Alcatraz.
  • condenar to prove, find, or declare guilty ¿Ud. cree que lo condenarán? Do you think they'll find him guilty?  to sentence Le condenaron a treinta años de cárcel. They sentenced him to thirty years in prison.  to condemn, blame Condenaron su conducta. They condemned his behavior.
  • condensar to condense Tienen un nuevo procedimiento para condensar la leche. They have a new process for condensing milk.
  • condición [f] condition, character Es un hombre de mala condición. He's a man of bad character.
     a condición de que, con la condición de que on the understanding that, on condition that, provided (that) Iré a condición de que Ud. vaya conmigo. I'll go provided you go with me.  condiciones qualities Tiene buenas condiciones, pero está mal educada. She has good qualities, but she's badly brought up.  terms ¿Cuáles son las condiciones del contrato? What are the terms of the contract?  condition, quality, state ¿En qué condiciones está el edificio? What condition is the building in?
  • condiscípulo, condiscípula schoolfellow, schoolmate, fellow student.
  • cóndor [m] condor.
  • conducir [-zc-] to lead ¿A dónde conduce este camino? Where does this road lead?  to take, accompany Conduzca a este señor a mi oficina. Take this gentleman to my office.  to drive Ud. conduce a demasiada velocidad. You drive too fast.
     conducirse to act, behave Se conduce como una persona educada. She acts like a well-bred person.
  • conducta conduct, behavior.
  • conductor [m] driver, motorman Se prohibe hablar al conductor. Don't talk to the driver.  conductor of train [Mex].
  • conectar to connect ¿Han conectado la antena del radio? Have they connected the radio antenna?
  • conejo rabbit.
  • conexión [f] connection No tiene conexión una cosa con la otra. There's no connection between the two things.
  • confección [f] workmanship, finish La confección del traje es muy mala. The workmanship on the dress is very bad.
  • confederación [f] confederacy, federation.
  • conferencia conference, meeting Hubo muchas conferencias entre los ministros y senadores. The Ministers and the Senators held many conferences.  public lecture Está dando unas conferencias sobre literatura. He's giving some lectures on literature.
  • conferenciar to confer, consult together, hold an interview Después de conferenciar varias horas hicieron públicos los acuerdos. After conferring for several hours, they made the agreements public.