Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/70

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  • confesar [rad-ch I] to admit, confess Confesó su delito. He confessed his crime.
  • confesión [f] confession, acknowledgment.
  • confiado (See confiar) trusting, unsuspecting Son unas personas muy confiadas. They're very trusting people.
  • confianza confidence, faith Han perdido la confianza en él. They've lost confidence in him.
     de confianza informal, intimate Fué una reunión de confianza. It was an informal meeting.  en confianza confidentially, in confidence Le digo esto en confianza. I'm telling you this confidentially.  hombre de confianza right-hand man Es su hombre de confianza. He's his right-hand man.  tener confianza con to be on intimate terms with No tengo suficiente confianza con él para eso. I'm not sufficiently intimate with him for that.  tener confianza en to trust ¿Por qué no tiene Ud. confianza en mí? Why don't you trust me?
  • confiar to entrust to, put in charge of Le confiaron la administración de sus negocios. They put him in charge of their business. ° confiar en to rely on, trust in, count on Ud. puede confiar en él. You can rely on him.
  • confidencia  hacer confidencias to confide Me ha estado haciendo confidencias. He's been confiding in me.
  • confidencial confidential.
  • confirmación [f] confirmation.
  • confirmar to confirm, corroborate La prensa confirmó los rumores. The press confirmed the rumors.
  • confitería candy store, confectionery; candy.
  • conflicto conflict, struggle.
  • conforme as Todo queda conforme estaba. Everything remains as it was.—Conforme leía, más me interesaba. As I was reading, I became more interested.
     conforme a in accordance with, in line with Conforme a su petición. . . . In accordance with your request. . . .  estar conforme con to be resigned to Está conforme con su suerte. He's resigned to his fate.  to be in agreement with Estoy conforme con lo que Ud. dice. I agree with you.
  • confundido confused, mistaken.
     estar confundido to be mistaken, confused.  quedar confundido to be extremely embarrassed Al ver lo que había hecho, quedó confundido. On seeing what he had done, he was extremely embarrassed.
  • confundir to confound, jumble, mix up Han confundido todas las tarjetas. They've mixed up all the cards.  to mistake Ud. me confunde con mi hermano. You're mistaking me for my brother.
     confundirse to make a mistake Me he confundido muchas veces al copiar esta carta. I made many mistakes in copying this letter.
  • confusión [f] confusion, disorder Hubo unos momentos de confusión. There were a few moments of confusion.  embarrassment, confusion.
  • confuso confusing, not clear Los informes eran confusos. The reports were confusing.  hard to read or understand Su letra es confusa. His handwriting's hard to read.  hazy, vague Tengo un recuerdo confuso. I have a vague recollection.  confused, mixed up, embarrassed Se quedaron muy confusos. They were completely confused.
  • congestión [f] stroke (sun, etc) Le dió una congestión. He had a stroke.
  • congestionado congested El tráfico está congestionado. The traffic's congested.
  • congraciarse to get into one's good graces Quería congraciarse con la madre de su novia. He wanted to get into the good graces of his sweetheart's mother.
  • congregación [f] congregation.
  • congregar to congregate, assemble El cura congregó a los fieles en la iglesia. The priest assembled the parishioners in the church.
     congregarse to gather, assemble Los manifestantes se congregaron en la plaza. The demonstrators gathered in the square.
  • congreso congress, convention.
     Congreso de los Diputados House of Representatives.
  • conjetura conjecture, guess Se hacían muchas conjeturas sobre lo que iba a ocurrir. There was a great deal of conjecture as to what would happen.
  • conjunto joint, unified Acción conjunta. Joint action.  [m] whole, entirety Vale más el conjunto que las partes. The whole is worth more than the parts.
     en conjunto as a whole En conjunto el plan me parece bien. As a whole, the plan seems good to me.
  • conmemorativo commemorative.