Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/72

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  • through perseverance.  record, statement No hay constancia de lo que ha dicho. There's no record of what he said.
  • constante firm, faithful, constant.
  • constar to be evident, be clear, be certain Consta que es así. It's clear that it's so.  to be recorded or registered Eso consta en las actas. That is recorded in the minutes.
     constar de to be composed of, consist of La obra consta de treinta capítulos. The book consists of thirty chapters.  constarle a uno to be evident to one, be positive Me consta que no salió ayer. I'm positive he didn't go out yesterday.  conste que let it be understood that Conste que yo no lo he hecho. Let it be clearly understood that I didn't do it.
  • constitución [f] constitution La constitución del país es muy democrática. The constitution of the country is very democratic.—Es un hombre de una constitución muy fuerte. He has a strong constitution.
  • constitucional constitutional.
  • constituir to constitute, be Esto constituye la parte esencial de la obra. This is the essential part of the work.  to establish, organize, constitute Constituyeron una nueva firma comercial. They established a new firm.
  • construcción [f] construction Han empezado la construcción del nuevo ferrocarril. They've begun the construction of the new railroad.  structure, building Es la mayor construcción de la ciudad. It's the biggest building in the city.
  • constructor [m] builder.
  • construir to build, construct.
  • consuelo consolation, comfort.
  • cónsul [m] consul.
  • consulado consulate.
  • consulta consultation, conference Se reununieron en consulta. They met in conference.  office hours ¿A qué hora tiene el doctor la consulta? What are the doctor's office hours?
  • consultar to consult (about) Tengo que consultarle una cosa. I want to consult you about something.
     consultar con la almohada to sleep on, think over Antes de decidirlo consúltelo con la almohada. Sleep on it before deciding.
  • consumado complete, perfect, accomplished Es un nadador consumado. He's an accomplished swimmer.
  • consumar to carry out, commit (an evil action) Consumaron el crimen. They committed the crime.
  • consumidor, consumidora consumer.
  • consumirse to be used up, run out Se consumieron todas las provisiones. All the supplies ran out.
     consumirse de to be consumed with Se consume de curiosidad. He's consumed with curiosity.
  • consumo consumption No es grande el consumo diario. Daily consumption isn't large.
  • contabilidad [f] bookkeeping, accounting.
  • contable [m, f] bookkeeper, accountant.
  • contacto contact, touch.  ignition (of motors) Encienda el contacto. Turn on the ignition.
  • contado (see contar) few Son contadas las personas que lo saben. Very few people know it.
     al contado (for) cash ¿Va Ud. a pagar al contado? Will you pay cash?
  • contador [m] accountant, bookkeeper.  meter (for gas, water, electricity, or taxi).
  • contagiar to infect.
  • contagio contagion.
  • contagioso contagious El tifus es una enfermedad contagiosa. Typhus is a contagious disease.
  • contaminar to contaminate, pollute.
  • contar [rad-ch I] to count Cuente Ud. el cambio. Count your change.  to relate, tell Contaron muy bien la historia. They told the story very well.
     contar con to depend upon, count on Cuento con su ayuda. I'm counting on your help.
  • contemplación [f] contemplation (in visual sense).
  • contemporáneo [adj, n] contemporary.
  • contener [irr] to check, curb, control No podía contener el caballo. He couldn't control the horse.  to contain La botella contenía vino. The bottle contained wine.
     contenerse to control oneself Se contiene admirablemente. He controls himself admirably.
  • contenido See contener, [m] contents ¿Puedo ver el contenido del paquete? May I see the contents of the package?
  • contentar to satisfy, please Es muy difícil de contentar. He's very hard to please.
     contentarse to be satisfied No se contenta con nada. He isn't satisfied with anything.  to become reconciled, make up Se han contentado ya. They've already made up.