Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/73

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  • contento happy, glad Estaba muy contento. He was very happy.
  • contestación [f] reply, answer No he recibido contestación a mi carta. I haven't received a reply to my letter.
  • contestar to answer, reply No ha contestado a mi carta. He hasn't answered my letter yet.
  • contigo with you No sabía que tu madre vivía contigo. I didn't know that your mother lived with you.
  • contiguo adjacent, next Se oían voces en el cuarto contiguo. They heard voices in the next room.
  • continente [m] continent.
  • continuación [f] continuation; sequence.
     a continuación immediately, right away Entró y a continuación se sentó. He came in and immediately sat down.
    || Continuación de la primera página. Continued from page one.
  • continuar to continue, pursue, carry on Continúa sus estudios. He's pursuing his studies.  to remain Su estado continúa lo mismo. His condition remains the same.  to be still (in same place or condition) Juan continúa enfermo y en el mismo hospital. John is still sick and in the same hospital.  to go on, keep on Continuó hablando dos horas. He kept on talking for two hours.
  • continuo continuous, uninterrupted.
  • contorno neighborhood Es conocido en todo el contorno. He's known in the whole neighborhood.  contour, outline El contorno de la figura no es claro. The outline of the figure isn't clear.
  • contra against ¡Apoye Ud. la escalera contra la pared! Put the ladder against the wall!  against, in opposition to Los Diputados votaron contra la proposición. The Representatives voted against the proposition.
     contra viento y marea against all odds Contra viento y marea consiguió lo que quería. He got what he wanted against all odds.  en pro y en contra for and against.  llevar la contra to oppose, object, raise objections Le gusta llevar la contra. He likes to raise objections.
  • contrabando contraband, smuggling.
  • contradecir [irr] to contradict Se enfada si le contradicen. He gets angry if he's contradicted.
     contradecirse to contradict oneself Se contradijo varias veces en su declaración. He contradicted himself several times in his testimony.
  • contradicción [f] contradiction.
  • contraer [irr] to contract Contrajo esa enfermedad hace muchos años. He contracted that illness many years ago.  to incur, run into Contrajeron deudas. They ran into debt.
     contraer matrimonio to marry, get married Contraerán matrimonio el próximo'sábado. They'll get married next Saturday.  contraerse to contract, diminish Se contrae con el frío. It contracts with the cold.
  • contrahecho deformed, crippled (from birth).
  • contraorden [m] countermand.
  • contrariar to thwart, change, spoil (a plan) Esto contraría todos mis planes. This spoils all my plans.  to annoy Esto me contraría mucho. This annoys me very much.
  • contrariedad [f] disappointment Fué una contrariedad no verle. It was a disappointment not to see him.
  • contrario contrary Esto es contrario a la ley. This is against the law.  adverse, unfavorable El fallo fué contrario. The verdict was unfavorable.  [m] opponent Ganaron el pleito sus contrarios. His opponents won the lawsuit.
     al contrario on the contrary ¿Ha dicho eso?" "Al contrario, no la ha dicho." "Did he say that?" "On the contrary, he didn't say that."  de lo contrario otherwise, if not Saldré a las seis; de lo contrario llegaré tarde. I'll leave at six; otherwise, I'll be late.  todo la contrario just the opposite, the other way around No es lo que Ud. dice, sino todo lo contrario. It isn't what you say, but just the opposite.
  • contraseña countersign; pass, check (for hat, baggage, or for readmittance).
  • contrastar to contrast, be opposed Sus ideas contrastaban con la mías. His ideas were opposed to mine.
     contrastar bien to harmonize, go well together Esos colores contrastan muy bien. Those colors go well together.  contrastar mal to clash Esos colores contrastan mal. Those colors clash.
  • contraste [m] contrast.
  • contratar to engage, hire Le han contratado por un año. They hired him for one year.
  • contratista [m] contractor.
  • contrato contract.