Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/74

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  • contribución [f] contribution.  tax Han aumentado mucho las contribuciones. They've raised the taxes considerably.
  • contribuir to contribute.
  • control [m] control.
  • controlar to control.
  • convalecencia convalescence.
  • convencer to convince.
     convencerse to become (or be) convinced No se convence fácilmente. He's not easily convinced.
  • convencido (see convencer) convinced.
  • conveniencia self-interest, good, advantage No mira más que su propia conveniencia. He only looks out for his own good.
     ser de la mayor conveniencia to be highly desirable Seria de la mayor conveniencia que viniese Ud. It would be highly desirable for you to come.
  • conveniente suitable Este clima es muy conveniente para él. This climate's very suitable for him.  convenient ¿Será esta hora conveniente para Ud.? Will this time be convenient for you?  desirable, advisable Es conveniente para su salud. It's advisable for his health.
  • convenir [irr] to agree Convengo con Ud. en ese punto. I agree with you on that point.
     convenirle a uno to be to one's advantage, be advisable, suit No le conviene aceptar ese empleo. It isn't advisable for him to take that position.
  • convento convent; [Arg] tenement house.
  • conversación [f] conversation, talk.
  • conversar to talk, converse Le gusta conversar. He likes to talk.
  • convertir [rad-ch I] to convert, turn Han convertido la casa en un museo. They've converted their house into a museum.
     convertirse to be converted Se convirtió al catolicismo. He became a Catholic.
  • convicción [f] conviction, belief.
  • convidado (see convidar) invited.  [n] guest ¿Había muchos convidados en la cena? Were there many guests at the dinner?
  • convidar to invite Me convidaron a pasar unos días en su casa. They invited me to spend a few days at their house.
     convidarse to invite oneself, come uninvited Se convida siempre a comer. He always invites himself for dinner.
  • convite [m] treat; invitation ¿Esto es un convite o tenemos que pagar? Is this a treat or do we have to pay?
  • convocar to convoke, call ¿Han convocado ya la reunión? Have they called the meeting yet?
  • coñac [m] cognac, brandy.
  • cooperativa [f] cooperative (enterprise).
  • cooperativo [adj] cooperative.
  • copa glass, stem glass, goblet Llenó las copas de vino. He filled the glasses with wine.  drink Se fueron a tomar unas copas. They went out to get a few drinks.  tree-top Las copas de los árboles estaban llenas de pájaros. The trees were full of birds.  crown (of a hat) La copa de este sombrero es demasiado alta. The crown of this hat's too high.  heart (of playing cards) Tengo el as de copas. I have the ace of hearts.
     sombrero de copa top hat.
  • copia copy Necesito tres copias de esta carta. I need three copies of this letter.—Este cuadro es una buena copia del original. This painting's a good copy of the original.
  • copiar to copy, make a copy of; to imitate.
  • copla popular song.
  • copo flake (of snow, soap, etc).
  • coqueta coquette, flirt Es la mujer más coqueta que he conocido. She's the biggest flirt I've ever known.
  • coquetear to flirt Coquetea con todo el mundo. She flirts with everybody.
  • coraje [m] anger; courage, bravery.
     darle a uno coraje to make one angry or mad Lo que le dijeron le dio mucho coraje. What they told him made him very mad.
  • coral [m] coral.
  • corazón [m] heart.  core (of fruits).
     dar el corazón, decir el corazón to have a premonition or hunch Me da el corazón que no vendrá. I've a hunch he isn't coming.  de buen corazón kind-hearted Es un hombre de buen corazón. He's a kind-hearted man.  de (todo) corazón heartily, sincerely Lo dijo de (todo) corazón. He said it very sincerely.
  • corazonada presentiment, hunch.
  • corbata necktie, tie ¿Qué tipo de corbata quiere Ud., de lazo o de nudo? What kind of tie do you want, a bow tie or a four-in-hand?
  • corcho cork.
  • cordel [m] thin rope, cord.
  • cordero lamb.
  • cordial cordial, hearty.
  • cordillera mountain range.
  • cordón [m] cord, twine, lace Quiero comprar unos cordones de zapatos. I want