Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/75

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  • to buy some shoe laces.  cordon (of police or soldiers).
  • corneta [f] bugle; cornet.
  • corneta [m] bugler.
  • coro chorus, choir.
  • corona crown; wreath.
  • coronar to crown Aquel rey fué coronado a los quince años. That king was crowned when he was fifteen years old.—Sus esfuerzos fueron coronados por el éxito. Their efforts were crowned with success.
  • coronel [m] colonel.
  • coronilla top of the head, crown.
     estar hasta la coronilla de to be fed up with ¡Estoy hasta la coronilla de sus bromas! I'm fed up with his jokes!
  • corporación [f] (non-profit) corporation.
  • corral [m] animal enclosure, corral.
     aves de corral domestic fowls.
  • correa strap, belt.
  • corrección [f] correction He tardado mucho en la corrección de estas páginas. The correction of these pages has taken me a long time.—La carta tiene muchas correcciones. The letter has many corrections.  good manners Es un hombre malo pero de gran corrección. He's a bad man, but with very good manners.
  • correcto correct, right El libro estaba escrito en correcto español. The book was written in correct Spanish.  irreproachable Su conducta es muy correcta. His conduct is irreproachable.
  • corredor [m] runner, racer; corridor.
  • corregir [rad-ch III] to correct Corrija Ud. los errores. Correct the errors.  to discipline, correct No le han corregido cuando era malo. They didn't discipline him when he was bad.
  • correo mail ¿Ha venido el correo? Has the mail come?  post office ¿Está cerca de aquí el correo (or la oficina de correos)? Is the post office near here?
     administrador de correos postmaster.  correo aéreo air mail Envié Ud. sus cartas por correo aéreo. Send your letters by air mail.  correo certificado registered mail.  echar al correo to mail ¿Echó Ud. las cartas al correo? Did you mail the letters?  lista de correos general delivery.
  • correr to run Tenemos que correr para llegar a tiempo. We'll have to run to get there on time.  to race Su caballo correrá mañana. His horse is racing tomorrow.  to flow El río corre hacia el sur. The river flows towards the south.  to blow Corre un viento muy fresco. A very cool wind's blowing.  to move, push Corre esa silla para aquí. Push that chair over here.  to slide, draw Corre la cortina. Draw the curtain.  to go over, travel over Han corrido medio mundo. They've traveled over half the world.
     correr el rumor to be rumored Corre el rumor de que se va a casar. It's rumored that he's going to get married.  correr por cuenta de uno to be one's affair, to be up to one Eso corre por mi cuenta. I'll take care of that, or That's up to me.
  • correspondencia correspondence Hemos mantenido correspondencia desde hace años. We've kept up a correspondence for years.  mail Voy a abrir la correspondencia. I'm going to open the mail.
     en justa correspondencia in reciprocation, to get even Lo hice en justa correspondencia. I did it to get even.
  • corresponder to correspond, match Estos botones no corresponden. These buttons don't match.  to concern, be up to Eso le corresponde a Ud. That's up to you.  to return, reciprocate, respond to Correspondió a sus atenciones. She responded to his attentions.
  • corresponsal [m] correspondent.
  • corrida  corrida de toros bullfight.
  • corrido corrido (typical Latin American song and dance).
  • corriente current, common No es de uso corriente. It's not current usage.  ordinary Está hecho con tela corriente. It's made of ordinary cloth.  running, flowing ¿Hay agua corriente en este cuarto? Does this room have running water?  instant, present (month or year) Contesté a su carte el veinte del corriente (mes). I answered your letter on the twentieth instant (or on the twentieth of the present month).  [f] current (of electricity, air, river) Cuidado, la corriente es muy fuerte. Be careful, the current's very strong.
     al corriente informed, posted Le tendré al corriente de lo que pase. I'll keep you informed of what happens.  contra corriente upstream, against the tide.  corriente y moliente commonplace Es una expresión corriente y moliente. It's a commonplace expression.  dejarse llevar de la corriente to follow the current, follow the crowd En todo se deja llevar de la corriente. He always follows the crowd.