Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/82

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  • decepcionar to disappoint.
  • decidido (see decidir) determined Es una persona muy decidida. He's a very determined person.
  • decidir to decide Decidieron hacer el viaje en seguida. They decided to make the trip right away.
     decidirse a to make up one's mind to Se decidió a casarse con ella. He made up his mind to marry her.
  • décimo tenth.  [m] one-tenth of a lottery ticket.
  • decir [irr] to tell No dijo la verdad. He didn't tell the truth.  to say ¿Qué dice hoy el periódico? What does the paper say today?
     como quien no dice nada as if it were of no importance Habló de ganar miles de dólares como quien no dice nada. He spoke of earning thousands of dollars as if it were nothing.  decir bien to be right Dice Ud. bien. That's right.  decir para'sí to say to oneself.  decir por decir to talk for the sake of talking, talk to make conversation No hace más que decir por decir. He just talks for the sake of talking.  el qué dirán gossip, what people will say No hay que preocuparse del qué dirán. One shouldn't worry about what people are going to say.  es decir that is to say, that is.  querer decir to mean ¿Qué quiere decir eso? What does that mean?  ser un decir to be a manner of speaking Todo esto es un decir. All this is a manner of speaking.
    || ¡Diga! Hello! (telephone) [Sp, Cuba] .
  • decisión [f] determination Muestra siempre mucha decisión en todo lo que emprende. He always shows great determination in everything he undertakes.  decision ¿Han hecho ya pública la decisión del tribunal? Have they announced the decision of the court yet?
  • decisivo decisive, final.
  • declaración [f] declaration ¿Fué después de la declaración de guerra? Was it after the declaration of war?  statement Lea Ud. su declaración antes de firmarla. Read your statement before you sign it.
  • declarar to testify Después declararon los testigos. Afterwards the witnesses testified.
     declararse to declare one's love No se me ha declarado todavía. He hasn't told me he loves me yet.  declararse en huelga to declare a strike.
  • decoración [f] decoration.  (stage) setting, props Las decoraciones de la obra eran muy acertadas. The settings of the play were very appropriate.
  • decorar to decorate.
  • decoro dignity, decorum.
  • decretar to decree.
  • decreto decree.
  • dedal [m] thimble.
  • dedicar to devote Dedica todo su tiempo al trabajo. He devotes all his time to his work.  to inscribe, autograph El autor me ha dedicado su libro. The author has autographed his book for me.  to dedicate El libro está dedicado al Presidente. The book's dedicated to the President.
  • dedillo  saber al dedillo to know perfectly.
  • dedo finger; toe
     dedo anular ring finger.  dedo gordo thumb; big toe.  dedo índice index finger.  dedo medio middle finger.  dedo meñique little finger, pinky.  dedo pulgar thumb.
  • deducir [-zc-] to deduce, imagine Se pueden deducir las consecuencias. You can imagine the consequences.  subtract, deduct Deduzca Ud. esa cantidad del total. Subtract this amount from the total.
  • defecto defect, imperfection, shortcoming No tiene defectos físicos. He has no physical defects.
  • defectuoso defective, faulty.
  • defender [rad-ch I] to defend Defendió su opinión con energía. He defended his opinion with vigor.  to protect La pared nos defendía del viento. The wall protected us from the wind.
  • defensa defense, protection.
  • defensor [m] defender Era uno de los defensores de Bataan. He was one of the defenders of Bataan.  champion Siempre ha sido uno de mis defensores. He's always been one of my champions.  [adj] for the defense Después habló el abogado defensor. Then the attorney for the defense spoke.
  • deficiencia deficiency.
  • definir to define.
  • definitivo final, definite.
  • deformar to deform.
  • degenerar to degenerate.
  • dejado (see dejar) sloppy ¡Anda siempre tan dejado! He's always so sloppy!
  • dejar to leave Dejó el libro sobre la mesa. He left the book on the table.  to let, leave Déjale tranquilo. Let him alone.  to leave, abandon Dejó a su mujer