Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/90

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  • Al entrar se despojó del abrigo. On entering he took off his coat.
  • despojo spoils.
     despojos remains.
  • déspota [m] tyrant, despot.
  • despotismo tyranny, despotism.
  • despreciable despicable, low-down.
  • despreciar to look down on, despise No tiene Ud. ninguna razón para despreciarle. You have no reason to look down on him.  to scorn, reject Despreció todos mis consejos. He scorned all my advice.
  • desprecio contempt.
  • desprender to unfasten Desprenda Ud. el broche. Unfasten the pin.
     desprenderse to loosen, fall off Se ha desprendido un botón del saco.  button's fallen off the jacket.  desprenderse de to give away Se ha desprendido de toda su fortuna. He gave away his whole fortune.
  • desprendido (see desprender) generous Siempre ha sido muy desprendido. He's always been very generous.
  • desprestigiado having lost one's prestige or reputation Es un hombre completamente desprestigiado. He's a man who's completely lost his reputation.
  • desprestigiar to slander.
  • despropósito nonsense.
  • después later Tendremos una reunión y después podemos dar un paseo. We'll have a meeting and later we can take a walk.  then Después fuimos al teatro. Then we went to the theater.  afterwards Se lo contaré después. I'll tell you afterwards.
     después de after Iremos después de comer. We'll go after we eat.  después de todo after all Después de todo es lo razonable. After all, it's reasonable.
  • despuntar to be outstanding Ese alumno despunta mucho. That student's very outstanding.
  • desquitarse to get even Vamos a jugar otra partida, a ver si me desquito. Let's play another game to see if I can get even.
  • desquite [m] revenge, getting even Entonces se le presentó la ocasión de su desquite. Then he had a chance for revenge.
  • destacar to stand out Destacaban por su estatura. They stood out because of their height.
     destacarse to be noted, be famous, distinguish oneself Se destacaron por su valor. They distinguished themselves by their courage.
  • destapar to take the lid or cover off ¿Puede Ud. destapar esta caja? Can you take the lid off this box?  to open Destape Ud. otra botella de Coca-Cola. Open another bottle of Coca-Cola.
  • desternillarse to split (one's sides with laughter).
  • desterrar [rad-ch I] to banish, exile Lo van a desterrar. They're going to exile him.
  • destilar to distill.
  • destinado (see destinar) addressed La carta venía destinada a mí. The letter was addressed to me.
     estar destinado a to be bound to, be destined to Ese proyecto está destinado a fracasar. That plan's bound to fail.
  • destinar to appoint, assign Le destinaron a otra sucursal del banco. They appointed him to another branch of the bank.
  • destinatario, destinataria addressee.
  • destino job Tiene un destino en el ministerio de Hacienda. He has a job in the Treasury Department.  destiny, fate Su destino fué trágico. He had a tragic fate.  destination Esta carta no llegará a su destino. This letter won't reach its destination.
     con destino a bound for, going to Salió con destino a Buenos Aires. He was bound for Buenos Aires.
  • destituir to dismiss (from office).
  • destornillador [m] screw driver.
  • destornillar to unscrew.
  • destreza skill.
  • destrozar to destroy, tear down.
  • destrucción [f] destruction.
  • destruir to destroy.
  • desunir to separate, take apart Tendremos que desunir los alambres. We'll have to separate the wires.  to estrange La política desunió a las dos familias. Politics estranged the two families.
  • desvalido destitute.
  • desván [m] attic.
  • desvanecerse to vanish, disappear Con el viento, el humo se desvaneció. The smoke vanished with the wind.  to faint Al oír la mala noticia se desvaneció. When she heard the bad news she fainted.
  • desvelar to keep awake El café me desvela mucho. Coffee keeps me awake.
     desvelarse to outdo oneself Se desvelaban por sernos agradables. They outdid themselves in being kind to us.
  • desventaja disadvantage; handicap.
  • desventura misfortune, mishap.