Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/91

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  • desvergüenza impudence; shamelessness.
  • desviación [f] detour Había una desviación en el camino. There was a detour on the road.
  • desviar to change the course of Desviaron la carretera para hacerla más corta. They changed the course of the road to make it shorter.
     desviar la mirada to avoid someone's eyes, look away.  desviarse to deviate, get away (from) No se desvíe Ud. del tema. Don't get away from the subject.  to drift El avión se ha desviado de su ruta. The plane drifted from its course.
  • desvío indifference Su desvío me molesta. Her indifference annoys me.
  • detallar to tell in detail, to detail.
  • detalle [m] detail Cuénteme Ud. todos los detalles. Tell me all the details.
     con detalle in detail Expliquenme Uds. con detalle como ha ocurrido eso. Explain to me in detail how it happened.
  • detener [irr] to stop, detain Por favor, deténgale un momento. Please detain him for a minute.  to arrest La policía detenuvo a los cómplices del asesino. The police have, arrested the accomplices of the murderer.
     detenerse to stop, halt El automóvil se detuvo. The automobile stopped.  to stop, restrain oneself Detente un momento a pensarlo. Stop and think it over for a minute.
  • detenido (see detener) [adj; n] (person) under arrest Los detenidos esperaban a que se les interrogara. Those under arrest were waiting to be questioned.
  • determinación [f] determination; decision Tenemos que tomar una determinación. We have to make a decision.
  • determinado determined [Am] Triunfó porque era muy determinado. He succeeded because he was very determined.
  • determinar to fix, determine Determinaron las condiciones del negocio. They fixed the terms of the deal.  to decide ¿Determinó Ud. lo que quiere hacer? Did you decide what you want to do?
     determinarse to make up one's mind ¿Se determinó a hacer el viaje? Did he make up his mind to make the trip?
  • detestable hateful, detestable, awful.
  • detrás behind Vienen detrás. They're coming along behind.
     detrás de behind, in back of Detrás de los árboles hay una casa. There's a house behind the trees.  por detrás from behind El enemigo atacó por detrás. The enemy attacked from behind.  behind one's back Por detrás hablaba mal de él. He talked about him behind his back.
  • deuda debt Pagó todas sus deudas. He paid all his debts.
     estar en deuda to be indebted Estoy en deuda con Ud. I'm indebted to you.
  • deudo, deuda relative, kin.
  • deudor, deudora debtor.
  • devanar to wind Estaba devanando un ovillo de lana. She was winding up a spool of wool.
     devanarse to double up (with pain) [Am].  devanarse los sesos to rack one's brains Me estoy devanando los sesos para encontrar una solución. I'm racking my brains to find a solution.
  • devastar to lay waste.
  • devoción [f] piety, devoutness; devotion.
  • devolver [rad-ch I] to return, give back ¿No ha devuelto Ud. todavía esos libros? Haven't you returned those books yet?  to pay back ¿Te ha devuelto el dinero que le prestaste? Has he paid back the money you lent him?  to restore Aquella noticia le devolvió la tranquilidad. That news restored her peace of mind.
  • devorar to devour.
  • devoto devout, pious.
  • devuelto See devolver.
  • día [m] day ¿A qué día estamos hoy? What day's today?
     al día a day, per day Producen cien automóviles al día. They produce a hundred automobiles a day.  up to date Ponga Ud. Esa correspondencia al día. Bring that correspondence up to date.  al día siguiente the following day.  buenos días good morning Buenos días. ¿Cómo está Ud.? Good morning. How are you?  darle a uno los días to congratulate one on his saint's day or birthday Fui a dar los días a mi hermano. I went to congratulate my brother on his birthday.  de día before dark ¿Cree Ud. que volveremos de día? Do you think we'll return before dark?  by day, when it's light Llegó a casa cuando ya era de día. It was daylight when he got home.  de día en día from day to day, as time goes by De día en día la situación va empeorando. The situation's getting worse from day to day.  de hoy en . . . días . . . days from today