Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/116

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

fight, they dilate their gills.

tah tîeh i kâi chi-kó i cū cáu m̄ khṳ̀;
if you hook him in the gill he cannot get away.
hṳ̂ chi tîeh líu tīo;
you must take out the gills.
  • 猙獰chi-gî29
  • Repulsive, horrid, loathsome, hideous.
i kâi mīn chi-gî căi;
he has a very repulsive face.
seⁿ kàu kâi mīn khî-khî kùai-kùai, chi-gî căi;
his face is very queer, being hairy, fierce, and unpleasant to look at.
  • chi966618
  • Suffering.
chi-chi chám-chám;
in great distress.
tîeh i chi-chám;
pity his distress.
  • chi788758
  • To sojourn; to perch.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ chi sin;
with no place of abode.
cĭam-chíaⁿ chi sin;
lodge temporarily.
tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ chi-suah;
sojourn here.
o-a lâi chi-hiah tŏ̤ hṳ́ chīu tèng;
the crows perch in those trees.
  • chi621048
  • Foolish; inapt.
chi-ngâi; chi-chi ngâi-ngâi;
chi-chi nē;
chi sim;
weak minded.
sim chi-chi;
of dull wit.
chi-kûak chi-kûak;
chi-chi, chŵn bŏi seⁿ khì;
weakly good natured, so that he never gets angry.
chi-ko̤ sĭeⁿ;
simple thoughts.
lṳ́ màiⁿ tó̤ chi-ko̤;
do not try to appear simple.
lĭ chi-ko̤;
a shrewd simpleton.
chi-ko̤-kúi lṳ́;
stole a march on you.
īu m̄ sĭ chi ĭu m̄ sĭ kôk, cò̤-nî cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
why should one who is neither a simpleton nor an idiot do that?
bŏi chi bŏi lang, bŏ̤i cò̤ a ko a ong;
in order to be a good old aunt or uncle one needs be both stupid and deaf.
  • chí6596
  • Extravagant; superfluous.
rich and profuse.
ēng-tō chia-chí;
use lavishly.
hong-sôk chia-chí;
wasteful habits.
hṳ́-kò̤ kâi chù-thêh chia-chí căi;
the houses there are very luxurious.
chia-chí kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;
accustomed to luxury.
i kâi hôk-sek khah kùe chia-chí;
his clothing is too expensive; he dresses extravagantly.
  • 俊俏chí-chío972
  • Winsome; attractive; vivacious; genial and shrewd.
cí kâi ío chí-chío, hṳ́ kâi li ío tōa-pang;
the one is the more pleasing, the other the more admirable.
lêng-lāi chí-chío;
witty and charming.
  • chí65616
  • Shame.
decency; modesty.
bô̤ lîam-chí;
ŭ lîam-chí;
tîeh cai lîam-chí;
must be decent.
kù lîam-chí;
regard decency.
m̄ kù lîam-chí;
regardless of decency.
pun nâng chí-chìe;
made a laughing stock.
cí kâi nâng bô̤ chí căi;
this person is shameless.
i sĭ bô̤ chí kâi nâng;
he is a shameless fellow.
bô̤ chí cṳ thû;
a brazen faced rascal.
  • chì1114213
  • The sting of insects.
phang chì;
the sting of a bee.
hiet ŭ chì;
scorpions have stings.
khṳt phang tàng tîeh chì;
stung by a bee.
bô̤ chì phang;
a stingless bee; a magistrate who is too amiable to harm anybody.
  • chì7651496
  • To try, to test.
chì thóiⁿ;
try it and see.
chì thóiⁿ ŏi khah kîam a bŏi;
try it and see whether it is too salt.
chì thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;
try it and see whether it is good.
chì cîah;
test it by tasting it.
chì tîeh căi-seⁿ?
How do you find it?
chì tîeh hó̤, úa cū àiⁿ;
if I find it good I shall want some.
lṳ́ m̄ cêng chì, căi tit cai hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
Since you have not tried it, how do you know whether it is good or not?
úa thâu-soiⁿ chì tîeh hó̤ lío, cìaⁿ khîeh lâi khṳt lṳ́ cîah;
I first tried it and found it good, and so brought some for you to partake of.
chì-ngīam kùe kâi; that which has already been tested keng kùe chì-līen;
has endured trial.
àiⁿ chì-līen i;
wishes to put him to the test.
îeh chì;
experimental treatment in medicine.
chì cêk ē;
try it once.
chì cē!
We'll see!
lṳ́ chì sĭeⁿ cē;
you try to think it up.
chì kim cîeh;
a stone used in testing gold.
īⁿ chì, hieⁿ chì, hŭe chì, tōiⁿ chì;
the examinations for the degrees of sìu-châi, kṳ́-jîn, cin-sṳ̆, and hâng-lîm.
hú-chì, kūiⁿ-chì;
the examinations in the departmental and in the district cities.
hok chì;
a re-examination of the candidates.
hù chì;
to repair to the examination.
èng chì;
to attend the examinations.
  • chì10351408
  • Thorns; prickles.
seⁿ chì;
lō seⁿ chì;
the path is thorny.
cí khí chīu seⁿ chì;
this sort of tree has thorns on it.
the thorny bamboo.
chì-nâ-phè; chì-lîm-phè;
chiah tîeh chì;
got thorns in it.
chì chiah tîeh chíu;
the thorns pricked his hands.
ki chì chiah jîp nêk tói;
a thorn stuck into his flesh.
suaⁿ téng pêh hwt ŭ seⁿ chì kâi mûeh;
there are prickly plants growing spontaneously on the mountains.