Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/134

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chō̤911545
  • To contain, to hold; to receive.
hó̤ chō̤ cíu;
it is good to keep spirits in.
cí-kâi bŏi chō̤ cíe hṳ́-kâi;
this does not hold less than that.
cí kâi tōa úaⁿ chō̤ nŏ̤ seng bí;
this large bowl holds two quarts of rice.
khîeh kâi mûeh hó̤ chō̤;
get something to put it in.
khîeh ke nŏ̤ kâi pûaⁿ chō̤ cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ;
get two more trays to put the fruit on.
chō̤ m̄ tit;
it will not hold them all.
chō kàu cêk puah tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
holds a pot full.
chô̤ tê;
it contains tea.


  • cho̤h10066412
  • A quantity; to gather up; to take out.
cêk cho̤h thô;
a little earth.
bói cho̤h iam;
buy some salt.
chun cêk cho̤h-kíaⁿ;
have a small quantity left.
khîeh cho̤h-kíaⁿ-nî lâi;
bring a little of it.
cí cêk cho̤h khîeh khù cham-pàng hṳ́ cêk cho̤h kò̤;
take this and mingle it with that.
khîeh cêk cho̤h cúi lâi pun úa cîah;
bring me some water to drink.
chong cho̤h tê lâi;
make some tea.
cîah cho̤h-kíaⁿ pn̄g lío;
has eaten a little rice.
cho̤h hía ío chiet-ìo kâi lâi tàⁿ;
make a summary of what is most important and tell it.
nâng-mûeh cōi, cho̤h kúi nâng lâi līam;
there are a great many of them, select a few of them to come and recite.
thèng cho̤h kúi nang;
took a few of them at random.
thèng cho̤h cêk cak lâi mn̄g;
take a verse at random and ask questions about it.
cho̤h cêk pńg lâi thóiⁿ i pat a m̄ pat;
select a volume and see whether he is familiar with it.
sûi i cho̤h, to̤ pat;
whatever he takes up to question them upon, they prove familiar with it.
  • cho̤h101597
  • Contracted.
i kâi bâi cò̤-nî cho̤h-cho̤h nē?
Why does he scowl so?
kâi bâi cho̤h cò̤ cêk pé;
his brows are drawn up into one mass.
  • cho̤h429309
  • To cough because of something in the throat.
i cîah lío cho̤h âu;
when swallowing it, it strangled him.
khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ nē, mó̤ cho̤h-âu;
take it leisurely, and do not strangle yourself with it.


  • chu101015610
  • To follow the fashion of the time.
chu sî;
follow the prevailing style.
chu sì;
cleave to the strong.
mîaⁿ-ke phun chu;
an expert sycophant.
tŏ̤ gê-mn̂g tèng phun-chu;
a hanger on at the yamun.
  • chu8211810
  • To prune; to lop off.
chu tīo chīu ki;
prune off the branches.
hía ki-īeⁿ tîeh chu tīo;
those small branches must be lopped off.
chu kàu cêk ki kng-kng;
pruned so as to leave a bare branch.
  • chú1011388
  • To take in marriage.
chú chi;
take a wife.
chú chiap; chú phien-pâng;
take a concubine.
kì chú;
a second marriage.
kè chú;
marry and give in marriage.
  • chú941415
  • To judge; to adjudge.
chú cám;
sentence to execution.
chú hun;
judge of one's fitness for a post.
kau pŏ ngí-chú;
hand him over to the Board for sentence.
chú sì kâi sṳ̄ kang-khó;
it is difficult to decide what is right in the affairs of this world.
chiaⁿ kong-chin thîo chú;
ask arbitrators to decide.
thiaⁿ nâng khǹg-chú;
act in accordance with the advice given.
  • chú1010296
  • To apply to one's own use; to select for use; to appropriate; to lay hold on.
ci kâi nâng khó̤-chú;
this person is very suitable.
tăi ŭ khó̤-chú; tōa-tōa hó̤-chù;
very appropriate.
bô̤ cêk kĭaⁿ hó̤-chú;
wholly unfit.
thóiⁿ tîeh tăi-tăi chú i;
consider him a very suitable person for the place.
chú lâk;
to pursue pleasure.
chú chìe i;
got the laugh on him.
sīang chú, tong chú, chṳ̀ chú;
the highest on the list of graduates, those near them, and those lower down.
i kâi ūe hó̤ chú-sìn;
his report is trustworthy.
chŵn m̄ hó̤ chú-sìn;
it is not to be relied upon.
cṳ̆ chú khî hŭa;
he brought this misery upon himself.
cía sĭ i ka-kī cṳ̆ chú, m̄ sĭ nâng hāi i kâi;
he brought this upon himself, and no one else is responsible for the injury.
chú cêk ki chīu ki;
laid hold on a branch.
chú m̄ cĭeⁿ;
could not get up by holding on to it.
cí kâi chú cò̤ seng, cí kâi chú cò̤ tòaⁿ, cí kâi hó̤ chú cò̤ thíu;
that one will do for a male performer, that one can act the part of a female, and this one may be the clown.
pêng-toaⁿ chú ngṳ̂n cêk choiⁿ níe;
this draft is for a thousand taels.
lṳ́ chú cí kâi hó̤, úa lí chú hú kâi hó̤;
you take that one for your use and I will take this one for mine.
chú i cêk sang mâk hó̤;
consider his eyes the best.
àm chú;
make use of secretly.
chú cúi, chú tê;
choose water or tea for use.
chú khṳ̀ kûiⁿ chú khṳ̀ kĕ;
placed high or low on the list.
chú tŏ̤ kó-tóng;
ranked as a curiosity.