Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/135

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chú944648
  • To pluck, to pick, to gather.
cho̤h kúe-cí khṳt nâng chú kàu lío-lío;
the fruit has all been plucked by some one.
i khṳ̀ chú cháu-îeh;
she has gone to gather medicinal herbs.
khṳ̀ chú ki thô̤-ki líu-ki lâi;
go and pick a sprig of peach and one of willow, and bring them here.
a resident of the place; a native; the host.
chù-nâng sĭ tī-tîang?
Who is the resident manager?
úa sī chù-nâng lṳ́ sĭ nâng-khek;
I am a native, and you are an alien.
hâh tit chù-nâng ì pĭen-sĭ hó̤ kang-hu;
if it suits the notion of a resident of the place, it is certainly well made.
tŏ̤ ke ŭ nâng-kheh, chut gūa cìaⁿ ŭ chù-nâng;
if you have guests when at home, you will have hosts when you go abroad.
hṳ́ kò̤ ŭ chù-nâng-thâu a bô̤?
Is there any one there who exercises hospitality to new comers?
chíaⁿ i lâi cò̤ chù-nâng;
invite him to act as host and assist in entertaining the guests.
  • chù941415
  • A place; a spot; a condition.
sì chù;
on all sides.
kak chù;
chù-chù to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is just so in all places.
tŏ̤ pât chù;
nŏ̤ chù tó̤ sie ceⁿ;
there is rivalry between the two places.
cí chù bô̤ hue, pât chù chái;
if there are no flowers in this spot, pick some elsewhere.
pât chù căi-seⁿ?
How is it elsewhere?
bô̤ sĭm-mih hó̤ chù;
there is nothing very good about it.
tŏ̤-lí sueh kàu hó̤ chù;
the doctrine was so explained as to benefit the hearers.
tàⁿ i kâi tó̤ chṳ̀;
spoke of his shortcomings.
cṳ̆ ŭ hó̤ chù;
it has good points.
kun-ki chù;
the General Council of State.
îa-bú chù;
the Military Council.
  • chù1064446
  • A house; a dwelling.
cêk cō̤ chù; cêk koiⁿ chù;
one house.
chù tī;
the building spot.
chù tîeⁿ;
a building lot.
the roof of the house.
chù cú;
the owner of the house.
tōa chù;
a large house.
chù kíaⁿ;
a hut.
chù àiⁿ khí jîeh khuah?
How large a house are you going to build?
tó̤ khí sin chù;
is building a new house.
siu-sîp kū chù;
to repair an old house.
lău chù;
an old house.
lău chù-piⁿ;
an old neighbour.
tâng chù tīu;
live in the same house.
i tó̤ cíeⁿ chù;
he is guarding the house.
lṳ́ chù tŏ̤ tī kò̤?
Where is your home?
bô̤ chù bô̤ só̤;
without house or home.
tóiⁿ chù;
to mortgage a house.
chù sĭ tǹg kâi;
the house is taken on a mortgage.
a tenant.
sùe chù;
hire a house.
chù co;
house rent.
nâng sĭ chù thèⁿ;
people are the props of a house.
lṳ́ tī-tiang-sî àiⁿ khù chù?
When are you going home?
  • chù1008648
  • To put; to set in order.
chù-tì mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
to get things in order.
chù chíu put kîp;
put his hand to it too late.
  • chù10111568
  • Agreeable; attractive.
amusing; queer; pretty.
chù-bī sí;
amusing beyond expression.
chù-chù bī-bī;
exceedingly interesting.
nĕ, chù-bī chù-bī;
very winsome.
sît căi ŭ chù-bī;
really agreeable.
bô̤ sĭm-mih chù-bī;
not particularly pleasing.
i sĭ tó̤ tàⁿ chù-bī kâi;
he is telling what amuses.
bô̤ chù bô̤ bī;
altogether uninteresting.
a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ chù-chù bī-bī;
the child is very winsome.
  • chû819607
  • Leisurely; with dignified slowness.
chu-chu nē, màiⁿ khah méⁿ;
be moderate and composed, do not be in a hurry.
chû-chû nē kîaⁿ;
move sedately along.


  • chúa1037775
  • Awry; askew; deflected.
cam bŏi chúa;
the needle is not bent.
cò̤ lâi chúa;
it is made crooked.
i kâi chùi chúa-chúa;
his mouth is drawn to one side.
chúa chùi;
a wry mouth.
tieⁿ chúa chùi;
to make faces.
ôi-tói-hṳ̂ lún kàu chùi chúa;
the sole endures till its mouth is drawn out of shape; his appearance of suffering is his natural aspect.
i kâi bō̤ tì khṳ̀ chúa;
his cap is put on askew.
i kâi thâu-khak seⁿ lâi chúa;
his head is deformed.
phīⁿ chúa;
his nose is crooked.
cŏ̤ chúa;
sit in a slovenly attitude.
màiⁿ pàng chúa;
do not set it down askew.
kîaⁿ chúa lō;
went by the wrong road.
cûn sái chúa kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;
sail the boat at an angle in crossing to the other side.
cìⁿ sīa khṳ̀ chúa;
the arrow was shot to one side.
màiⁿ khĭa chúa;
do not loll nor lean against anything when you stand.
kṳ̀ khṳ̀ chúa;
sawed obliquely.
jît-thâu chúa tíam-kíaⁿ lío;
the sun is already a little past the meridian.
  • chūa1102571
  • To lead on; to bring forward; to induce; to confirm in; to perpetuate.
chūa cúi kâi nâng;
chúa cúi cûn;
a pilot boat.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ chūa nâng ló;
by thus doing he brings dislike upon himself.
cêk kâi li chūa nâng sieh, cêk kâi li chūa nâng ùi;