Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/152

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
to cause that which is useful to prosper, and to remove that which is hurtful.
hāi kàu nâng chi-chám;
occasions distress.
úa cò̤-nî hāi tîeh lṳ́?
In what way have I harmed you?
bŏi lī-hāi;
is not injurious.
sim sĭ lī-hāi;
is very malicious.
khṳt i hāi kàu chit tien poih táu;
was set all at sixes and sevens by him.
tṳ̂ tīo cí tī-hng kâi tăi hāi;
eradicate what is most harmful in this region.
pĭ nâng só̤ hāi;
injured by some one.
seⁿ hāi nâng, sí hāi nâng;
harmful whether alive or dead.


  • hâiⁿ24416213
  • To pay; to give back.
khìam i kâi ngṳ̂n tîeh hâiⁿ i;
if you owe him you must pay him.
hâiⁿ būe cheng-chó̤;
not yet paid in full.
lṳ́ àiⁿ hâiⁿ úa a m̆;
do you intend to pay me or not?
hâiⁿ cêk tńg, bô̤ hâiⁿ nŏ̤ tńg;
pay once, but not twice.
hâiⁿ cè;
pay a debt.
hâiⁿ phò-thâu sìo;
pay a bill.
àiⁿ hâiⁿ cò̤ bó̤ a hâiⁿ cò̤ lāi?
Do you wish to pay it toward the principal or toward the interest?
pûe hâiⁿ; tĭen hâiⁿ;
to indemnify.
hâiⁿ ngw̄n;
pay a debt of gratitude.
khîeh hâiⁿ i;
give it back to him.
i bô̤ hâiⁿ úa;
he won't give it back to me.
sǹg hâiⁿ;
reckon and repay.
  • hāiⁿ2713013
  • Groaning; moaning.
hāiⁿ-hāiⁿ-kìe cò̤-nî?
What is he groaning about?
lṳ́ hāiⁿ-hāiⁿ-kìe ûi tîeh sĭm-mih sṳ̄?
What are you groaning for?
thóiⁿ tîeh cĭu hāiⁿ-cē-kìe;
as soon as he saw it he began to grunt.
jû hang-ku tûi heng hāiⁿ-hāiⁿ-kìe;
like a tortoise beating its breast and moaning (when caught).


  • hak18515910
  • To guide and govern.
to control.
kẃn-hâk i m̄ tîo;
cannot govern him.
hak ĕ ŭ jîeh cōi nâng?
How many are there under his authority?
i sĭ i hak ĕ kâi nâng;
he is under his authority.
bô̤ nâng kwn bô̤ nâng hak;
nobody exercises any control over it.
sĭu nâng kẃn-hak;
under authority.
  • hak25815010
  • To penetrate the meaning.
sim-heng hak-tâk;
intelligent, having tact.
hak-hak tâk-tâk;
úa thìaⁿ-kìⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ sim lăi cū khui hak;
when I heard that said, I understood what it all meant.
  • hak10801499
  • To visit a superior.
kak kìⁿ;
visit a superior in office.
pài hak;
go to visit an official superior.
ĕ-sôk hak-kìⁿ cīeⁿ-si;
subordinates visit their superiors in office.
cẃn-sêng pài-hak, ṳ̂ sṳ̄ put ēng;
solely to pay respects to my superior and for no other business. (Written on the visitor's card).
  • hak1080729
  • Apoplexy.
a fit of apoplexy.
cí khí pēⁿ sĭ tòng-hak, m̄ sĭ tòng-sú;
this is apoplexy, not sunstroke.
  • hâk2103213
  • Stiff hard clay; hardpan; solid.
thô tōiⁿ-hâk tōiⁿ-hâk nē;
the soil is very stiff and hard.
cò̤-nî pû, cîah tîeh cong-kú hâk-hâk nē;
however much it is boiled, it is always very hard when you come to eat it.
cí khí lok-lok bô̤ ēng, tîeh hiá tōiⁿ-hâk tōiⁿ-hâk kâi cìaⁿ hó̤;
these are watery and useless, those firm-fleshed and solid ones are the good ones.
kût tîeh tōiⁿ-hâk tōiⁿ-hâk nē;
it is very solid and hard when you dig into it.
  • hâk2093913
  • To learn; to practice; a science; a study.
to learn so as to retain.
a pupil.
phak hâk;
versatile aquirements.
hâk cèng; hâk thâi; hâk īⁿ;
a provincial literary chancellor.
tăi hâk;
the Great Science; a large school.
sío hâk;
a small school.
cabinet ministers.
lăi ko̤h hâk-sṳ̆;
members of the inner council.


  • ham1621425
  • Bivalve shells with scalloped surfaces.
thǹg kàu i ham-khak peh tit khui;
scald them till the shells can be opened.
cí cho̤h ham pûi căi, múaⁿ khak nêk;
these bivalves are very fat, and fill the shell.
pû cho̤h kún cúi khṳ̀ lâm ham;
boil some water and pour it over the bivalves.
chìn cúi lă ham;
stirring the bivalves around in cold water; well meant but ineffective exertion.
  • ham1621645
  • Exhilirated; jocund.
cíu cîah kàu pùaⁿ ham;
drank until half tipsy.
cîah kàu mīn ham-ham âng;
drank until his face was flushed.
  • hám9391125
  • To knock and shiver; to beat gently; to rap on.
hám chùi;
hit and break in pieces.
hám kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
beat it gently and make it very soft thereby.
khîeh kò̤ cîeh hám khṳ̀ tú-tú hám tîeh i kâi thâu;
flung a stone down and hit him exactly on the head.