Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/166

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


the twenty-four points of compass.
jī-câp-sì hìang sûi nâng hìang;
one may face any point of the compass.
m̄ cai àiⁿ hìang tī-kò̤ hó̤;
do not know which way it would be well to face.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi sim ŭ hìang úa a bô̤?
Do you think his regard is directed toward me?
hìang côiⁿ khṳ̀ jīo i;
go ahead and overtake him.
chíaⁿ nâng hìang côiⁿ lâi tàⁿ ūe;
call upon a person to come forward and speak.
m̄ hó̤ kâi sṳ̄ màiⁿ hìang côiⁿ;
do not go forward in a bad business.
mīn mīn sie hìang;
facing each other.
hìang tùi cí-kò̤ khṳ̀;
go in this direction.
i kâi chùi khah hìang;
its mouth is too flaring.
chùi hìang-hìang;
a very flaring mouth.
chūe kâi chùi màiⁿ khah hìang kâi;
seek for one that has not too flaring a mouth.
khûi-hue hìang jît;
the sunflower turns toward the sun.
mn̂g-lâu sie hìang;
their doors are opposite each other.
hìang tùi hṳ́ ău kò̤ khṳ̀;
turned toward the after part.
i kâi mīn hìang tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói, thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ;
his face is turned toward the inner side, and he does not see.
i cē phû khí lâi thiⁿ ĕ kâi nâng lóng-lóng hìang-èng;
as soon as he becames prominent, all in the empire turned to him.
hìang pŭe;
to incline toward or from.
sṳ̄ sêng a m̄ sêng sĭ tŏ̤ nâng sim kâi hìang pŭe kò̤ cū hó̤ thóiⁿ chut;
whether the thing will be accomplished or not, may be discovered by observation of the inclinations of people's minds.
  • hìang1901846
  • Taxes; duties; excise; fixed allowances.
piaⁿ hìang;
the pay and allowances of soldiers.
kun hìang;
rations for troops.
nîe hìang;
revenue; moneys received for the land tax; commissariat funds.
cîah hìang;
rations; allowances for food.
sĭ cîah chèng hìang a sĭ cîah keng-cìⁿ hìang?
Does he live upon the pay of a gunner or of an archer?
úa sĭ cîah bé hìang;
I receive pay as a calvalry soldier.
hìang kwn;
a custom house.
lâp hìang;
to pay duties.
sùe hìang;
collect taxes.
hìang ngṳ̂n;
the money paid or received as duty.
cĭeⁿ hìang;
enter for examination at the custom house.
pò̤ hìang;
inform as to the amount due as excise duty.
hìang toaⁿ;
a certificate that duty has been paid.
cáu hìang;
to smuggle.
chê hìang;
examine the articles subject to duty.
phah hìang;
levy duties.
hìang bŭ;
the business of one in the custom's service.
thiu hìang;
assess the amount of duty.
kùe hìang;
pass the custom house examination.
khieh hìang;
to collect duties.
hìang tǹg;
a licensed pawnshop.
hìang-kwn kâi sùe-bŭ-si;
the Commissioner of Customs.
hìang-kwn tōa sía;
the chief clerk in the custom house.


  • hîap195302
  • To rhyme; to harmonize.
hîap ūn;
to form a rhyme.
cí kâi jī lô̤h khṳ̀ m̄ hîap ūn;
this letter does not form a rhyme with the others.
cí kâi jī tîeh thâk hîap im;
this letter must be so read as to make its sound rhyme with that of the others.
  • hîap195246
  • To bring into accord; joint; united in.
tâng sim, hîap lâk;
of one mind and acting in concert.
tăi-ke hîap-lâk khṳ̀ cò̤;
all join your forces and go and do it.
hîap phōiⁿ tăi-hâk-sṳ̆;
an assistant cabinet minister.
hîap-thâi; hîap-tìn;
a colonel, usually in charge of a garrison.
  • hîap1951306
  • The flanks; the sides; to intimidate.
the space on the sides of the human trunk under the arms.
to overawe.
hîap khŵn-sì;
cang ui-sì hîap i;
used his influence to intimidate him.
  • hîap356374
  • To press between two.
hîap kong;
to attack on both sides.
hîap tòa sai hùe;
goods smuggled in the girdle.
hîap tòa;
to conceal in the girdle.
  • hîap356647
  • To cherish or harbour.
hîap hîam;
cherish prejudice.
hîap hṳ̆n;
cherish dislike.
hîap chîu;
harbour enmity.
hîap cì i;
prevent him from appealing by threats of consequences.
  • hîap35697
  • Ready to maintain another's cause.
kìam hîap;
a sword which aids a friend in need.
hîap kheh;
a supernatural advocate.
a hero.
  • 浹洽hîap-ciap976
  • Blended in views or feelings.
hîap-cîap; hîap-hîap cîap-cîap;
making an unbroken story or circuit; pervading.
kà-hùe hîah-cîap;
imbued with these teachings.


  • hieⁿ18916310
  • A village.
a village.
hieⁿ chng;
a hamlet; an unwalled village.
hieⁿ to;
in the villages.
hieⁿ ĕ; hieⁿ kang;
in the country.
a neighborhood.
tâng hieⁿ-lí;
belonging to the same village.
kū hieⁿ;
the village where one formerly lived: one's native village.
keh hieⁿ;
the next village.
lîn-kṳ̆n hieⁿ;
neighboring villages.
lô̤h hieⁿ;