Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/190

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


a fire-wheel.
seⁿ húe;
kōi-kōi cîah húe;
ignites easily.
tô̤h húe;
to set on fire.
húe sĕng;
the fire flares up.
sît húe;
has a fever.
internal heat.
kuaⁿ húe;
inflamation of the liver.
a torch.
khí húe;
to build a fire.
húe sèⁿ;
màiⁿ khah seⁿ húe-sèⁿ;
do not be too hot-tempered.
tī-kò̤ sit húe?
Where did it catch fire?
lâi khṳ̀ kìu húe;
let us go and help put out the fire.
phah húe lō;
tear down buildings to prevent the spread of fire.
kîaⁿ húe lō;
to walk the fiery road, as a spirit-medium does.
húe chiam;
an urgent dispatch.
ūe tàⁿ lâi khah seⁿ húe-khì;
spoke with too much heat.
i kâi húe-khì tōa căi;
his temper is very hot.
i nî-hùe lău lío, thò̤ húe, thò̤ kàu taⁿ cn̂g kâi bô̤ húe-khì;
as he advanced in years his temper became more even, and now he is not at all testy.
cìe húe;
set on fire with a burning glass.
the planet Mars.
húe phuah méⁿ cē;
fan the fire and make it burn hotter.
at great speed.
to cremate.
hwt húe-pû;
a beacon light.
húe hō̤;
a signal made by a light.
teng-nâng húe hō̤;
a signal lantern.
khîeh khṳ̀ húe tèng hùe;
put it in the fire and burn it up.
ut húe;
smothered heat.
pûn húe;
to blow the fire.
pûn kùe húe;
blow out the light.
húe-cîh îoh-îoh-sih;
the flame flickers.
húe-cîh phû khí lâi;
the flames are rising.
màiⁿ khṳt húe-sái phùn tîeh;
do not get hit by the cinders.
thiⁿ lô̤h húe; thiⁿ tó̤ tô̤h húe;
a burning sky.
khîeh khṳ̀ húe-thòaⁿ tói pû kàu âng-âng;
put it among the coals and heat it red hot.
húe-lâk tōa căi;
the heat is intense.
khang lô-kūiⁿ kâi húe sĭang ŭ lâk;
blow up the fire in the furnace, with the fixed bellows, until the fire is at its hottest.
bô̤ húeⁿ bô̤ cheⁿ, cò̤-nî kîaⁿ lō;
how can we travel when we have neither starlight nor lantern-light.
chut chùi cū cêk pé húe;
his words were like a torch.
cieh húe;
to warm one's self by a fire.
pue húe;
to dry by a fire.
a brazier.
hiah húe;
let the fire go out.
thò̤ tīo húe-khì;
diminish the heat.
lṳ́ màiⁿ cang thâu-mô̤ⁿ khṳ̀ chih húe;
do not go so near the fire as to singe your hair.
húe jú phah jú tô̤h;
the more you stir the fire harder it burns.
cí īeⁿ mûeh ío sìa húe;
this is a cooling stuff.
cí īeⁿ cheng sim-húe;
this kind dissipates internal heat.
i nŏ̤ nâng jû cúi kìⁿ húe;
the two are like fire and water meeting.
húe cîh cĭ tîeh;
the flames licked it up.
cang húe nă;
singe it in the flame.
khṳt húe sie tīo khṳ̀;
was burned up.
cí kâi huaug-lô khah hip húe, m̄ thong húe;
this earthen stove is stuffed up, and does not
draw well.
ta châ m̄ hó̤ kṳ̆n húe;
dry wood should not be kept near the fire.
a jack-o-lantern.
a mysterious light; a will-o-the-wisp.
húe sw̄n;
a sparkling gem.
a flying cinder.
a tablet giving notice of an official visit.
the mess-room; the cook-house.
put fuel on the fire.
kâi gûeh ēng jîeh cōi cîⁿ châ húe?
What is the expense per month for fuel and lights?
húe hāu kàu;
it has been long enough at the fire.
a grate; a stove.
khîeh thih-kîⁿ, khṳ̀ koih húe;
take the tongs and nip up some fire.
húe kŭ;
the things used about tho fire.
húe khàng;
a brick platform, warmed by a flue, and used as a bed.
im húe, îang húe;
a concealed fire or an open fire.
bûn bú húe;
a fire partly concealed, and partly exposed.
cang húe lâi ûn;
take fire and, scorch it over.
hang húe;
hang it by the fire.
thà húe;
to poke the fire.
cang thih-sîeh lâi thà i kâi húe-thòaⁿ sang-lâng;
take the poker and loosen the coals so as to admit the air.
kak pàng húe kò̤ sie tīo;
throw it in the fire and burn it up.
thâi nâng, pàng húe;
murder and arson.
pàng húe kâi nâng;
the incendiary.
húe m̄ sie suaⁿ, tī m̄ pûi;
ground that has not been burned over is not fertile.
móng kò̤ cau húe-cai, sie sí jîeh cōi nâng;
there has been a great fire in a certain place, and many people were burned to death.
cúi húe bô̤ nâng-chêng;
water and fire have no humanity.
kek húe;
a smothered fire.
khṳt húe sie pêⁿ khṳ̀;
burned to the ground.
cin kim put phàⁿ húe, līen kú īa sio-sîh;
pure gold does not fear the fire, yet if it is long in the crucible it loses a little.
méⁿ-mé húeⁿ chá-khí-lâi cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;
fry it over a very hot fire and then it will be toothsome.
húe jîet-jîet;
very hot flames.
hieⁿ-húe tō̤;
a little bag holding incense ashes, worn as a charm.
cíang-cṳ́ hŏng-sṳ̆ hieⁿ-húe;
the eldest son kindles the incense sticks.
húe chia;
a steam car.
húe cûn; húe hun cûn; húe lūn cûn;
a steamboat.
thien húe; thiⁿ húe;
a thunderbolt.
cí īeⁿ châ ió ûah húe;
this sort of wood burns well.
cí īeⁿ châ m̄ ûah húe;
this sort of wood burns badly.
ēng húe-gû-tīn phùa i;
made use of a file of oxen, having knives fastened to their horns and torches to their tails, to break their ranks.
thiaⁿ tîeh, cêk tó húe;
when I heard it I was filled with rage.
tîeh cai lâu húe-céng;
you must remember to save some fire for kindling again.
húe kuang;
the effulgence of a blaze.
màiⁿ khah kùe húe;
do not keep it too long at the fire.
m̄-hó̤ khah cíⁿ húe, īa m̄-hó̤ khah sek húe;
do not cook it either too little or too much.
lûi húe;
electricity passing from the