Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/199

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hûn11421734
  • Clouds; cloudy.
phû hûn hŏ;
rain clouds are gathering.
hûn bū;
múaⁿ thiⁿ hûn;
the sky is all overcast.
cêk tah o hûn;
a black cloud.
pêh hûn pìⁿ cò̤ âng bûn;
the clouds are turning red.
hûn cia kàu pùaⁿ suaⁿ;
the clouds reach half way down the mountains.
a thunder-cloud.
hṳ lâng hûn;
a mackerel sky.
thong thiⁿ lóng-cóng sĭ o hûn;
the whole sky is black with clouds.
hûn khui kìⁿ jît;
the clouds are breaking.
hûn khui kâi khang-khiah, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ thiⁿ nêk;
there is a rift in the cloud, and the blue sky appears.
hûn sio, hŏ sùaⁿ;
the clouds are disappearing, and the rain diminishing.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ tŏ̤ hûn-twn téng;
saw it among the clouds.
hûn tìo kha;
the cloud is lifting from the earth.
cí tah hûn pue khù kĕ-kĕ;
this cloud drifts along very low down.
phah hûn póiⁿ;
to strike the cloudy board; to announce visitors at a yamun or monastery by tapping an iron plate.
  • hŭn269858
  • In disorder; promiscuously; turbid; chaotic.
mông-mông hŭn-hŭn;
dark; confused.
hŭn nău;
confused clamor.
mńg hŭn kùe jît;
it is a troublesome world.
lâm ńng hŭn câp;
a heterogeneous crowd of men and women.
thiⁿ tī īa ŭ sî ŏi hŭn-tŭn;
the heavens and the earth are sometimes indistinguishable through being mixed up together.
hŭn-hŭn tŭn-tŭn;
irretrievably mixed up.
su kùe màiⁿ lâi hŭn kha hŭn chúi;
it would have been better if he had had nothing to do with it.
  • hūn131182
  • A share; a portion; a dividend; the part one acts; the duties of a post.
pun cò̤ saⁿ hūn pêⁿ tōa;
divide it into three equal parts.
kâi nâng cêk hūn;
give a portion to each.
saⁿ hūn thiu cêk;
take out one third.
hūn gūa;
what is outside one's own share.
kúi hūn tĭⁿ;
partly full.
sì-hūn lô̤h cêk hūn;
make use of one quarter of it.
îeh lâk hūn cîah cêk hūn;
take one sixth of the medicine.
àiⁿ cham kúi hūn lô̤h khṳ̀?
What proportion of the whole shall I put in?
ke hūn, cíe hūn;
a greater or lesser portion.
síu hūn;
content with his lot.
síu i kâi pńg hūn;
attends to his own business.
uaⁿ hūn síu kí;
mind your own business.
khĭa hūn;
make up a deficiency by each supplying an equal sum.
phōiⁿ cêk hūn lói-mûeh khṳ̀ sàng i;
render to him a portion of the presents.
cía i bô̤ hūn;
he has no part in this.
kó hūn;
to take shares in.
cía sĭ i kâi ŵn hūn;
is what he has a liking for.
nán kúi nâng lâi hak cêk hūn, ĕ jît thàng lío tōa sòi hūn cìe pun;
let us take a share togethər, and afterward when there is income from it declare a dividend.
mĭaⁿ hūn;
the same lot for life.
mīaⁿ hūn m̄ hó̤ lw̆n;
those whose fates are joined for life should not be at variance.
cí kâi nâng m̄ uaⁿ hūn;
this person is meddlesome.
kùe hūn;
officious; beyond what properly belongs to one's functions.
tàⁿ kùe hūn ūe;
say more than belongs to one's part.
pńg hūn;
one's own duty or office.
i pńg hūn tîeh cíeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
that is what properly pertains to his office; that is his duty.
kak nâng kak nâng kâi ceh-hūn;
each has his special duty.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ wt-hūn;
in so doing he may be considered to have overstepped his proper sphere.
àiⁿ cò̤ kúi hūn khui?
How many parts is it to be divided into?
i kâi hūn-siaⁿ cōi;
he has a large proportion.
i sòi hūn, i tōa hūn;
this one gets a small, and that one a large portion.
i kâi seng-lí lṳ́ ŭ chap hūn a bô̤?
Have you anything invested in his business?
ṳ́a ŭ chap-hūn;
I have an interest in it.
sĭm-mih sṳ̄ lṳ́ to ŭ hūn;
you meddle in everything.
cíe i hūn ĕ kâi hâiⁿ;
give him that which belongs to him.
cía sĭ i hūn lăi kâi sṳ̄;
this appertains to his office.
tîeh thóiⁿ i sĭm-mih sin hūn;
must see what his belongings are.
sìang sīm-mih sin hūn;
ascertain what rank he has.
kâi thien-hūn hó̤;
he has fine natural abilities.


  • hut153572
  • An adverb of prohibition; it should not be.
hut ūaⁿ cò̤ put;
changed “should not” into “is not.”
hut jîak i;
does not resemble him.
  • hut267614
  • Abruptly; to slight; the fifth place in decimals.
in an instant.
hut-jîen cū ŭ nâng lâi;
suddenly some one came.
m̄ hó̤ khin-hut nâng;
one must not treat people in a contemptuous manner.
tŏ̤ cèng nâng mīn côiⁿ khin-hut i;
treated him cavalierly before them all.
i sĭm khìam-sòi, lîen a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe, to bô̤ khin-hut i;
he is very modest, and does not slight even a child.
cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ hó̤ hut-lîak;
do not do things in a heedless fashion.
cêk si cêk hut to àiⁿ sǹg;
will reckon in even the smallest fraction.
sǹg kàu lî hâu si hut;
reckon to the utmost farthing.
hut kng hut àm;
light for an instant and then dark for an instant.
i kâi ūe bô̤ tīaⁿ, hut sĭ hut hui;
what he says is unreliable, first he says one thing then another.