Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/201

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 11198511
  • To fish.
a fisherman.
pha hṳ̂ cûn;
a fishing boat.
kim hṳ̂; kim-lí;
lîah hṳ̂;
catch fish.
pha hṳ̂;
fish with a casting net.
áu hṳ̂;
fish with a lifting net.
cah hṳ̂;
catch fish by a weir.
tìeⁿ hṳ̂;
catch fish with a hook.
chǹg hṳ̂;
spear fish.
mông hṳ̂;
catch fish with the hands.
lí hṳ̂;
hái hṳ̂;
sea fish.
khoi hṳ̂, tî hṳ̂, ùn hṳ̂;
fish from rivers, pools, or ponds.
the skate.
kha ;
ôi-tói hṳ̂;
the sole.
sĭen hṳ̂;
cêk tīn hṳ̂; cêk khûn hṳ̂;
a school of fish.
the book moth.
  • hṳ̄9151493
  • To commission; to commit to; to entrust.
kìa-hṳ̄ i cêk kù ūe;
entrust him with a message to carry.
kìa-hṳ̄ lṳ́ hàm i lâi;
commission you to tell him to come.
cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ tîeh tó̤ kìa-kìa hṳ̄-hṳ̄, kang-khó căi;
the thing must be committed to various persons one after another, making it troublesome in the extreme.
the noise made by one shivering with cold.
chêng-ngw̆n tó̤ hṳ̄-hṳ̄-tie, to m̄ khṳ̀ chēng ke kâi hîuⁿ;
will stand and shiver with cold, and not go and put on another wadded tunic.


  • hṳn21216414
  • Smelling of liquor.
cíu cîah kàu hṳn-hṳn;
drank till he is odorous of whiskey.
cùi hṳn-hṳn;
boozy; tipsy.
  • hṳn2121914
  • Meritorious effort.
services for the common weal.
hṳn chîn;
a patriotic statesman.
  • hṳn1961593
  • A side room; a boudoir; a saloon.
i kâi cṳ-ce kìe cò̤ sĭm-mih hṳn?
What appellation does he give to his school?
khì sĭang, hṳn ngan;
a lofty bearing and stately appearance.
  • hṳn204694
  • Pleased at doing or getting something; merry, elated.
hṳn hông tōa lău-îa kàu jīm;
as it happily happened the magistrate had arrived at his post.
hṳn hông tăi-jîn tṳ̂ pău, uaⁿ lîang;
it is well when the magistrates extirpate the wicked and tranquilize the good.
  • hṳn1099796
  • Abundant; flourishing.
hṳn sît;
well off.
hṳn sît kâi nâng hŏ;
a man of property.
hṳn hŏ;
the rich.
  • hṳ́n167606
  • Indisposed to listen to reason.
i lâi kàu hiong-hiong hṳ́n-hṳ́n;
he came all ready for a quarrel.
i kâi īeⁿ sĭm sĭ hiong-hṳ́n;
he looks very sulky.
  • hṳ̆n167616
  • Spite; hatred; to dislike.
sim lăi ẁn-hṳ̆n i;
had a grudge against him.
m̄ cai i náu-hṳ̆n úa mih sṳ̄;
do not know why he is angry with me.
hṳ̆n úa bô̤ cieh i;
vexed with me because I did not lend it to him.
hṳ̆n m̄ khéng hiah;
persistently resentful.
châi chut sim-thâu cṳ hṳ̆n;
wreak one's spite.
khó̤ hṳ̆n;
hûai hṳ̆n tŏ̤ sim;
cherish malice.
hṳ̆n m̄ lío;
no end to his dislike.
hîap hṳ̆n;
harbour hate.
hṳ̆n m̄ sio;
hṳ̆n kìe-sĭ i pat phah i;
hates him on account of his having beaten her.


  • hwn12412412
  • To revise; to change; to turn over; to review; to do over again.
hwn sin;
to turn the body around.
hwn kùe lâi;
to turn around.
têng hwn tó̤ līu thóiⁿ;
turning (the leaves of a book) to and fro, reading and re-reading.
hwn kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ hîeh thóiⁿ;
turn the leaf and look on its other side.
hwn sím;
to rehear a case.
cí kĭaⁿ ùaⁿ àiⁿ têng hwn sím;
this case is to be revised.
kàu hṳ́ téng cū lêng-ūaⁿ hwn ùaⁿ;
if you go up there the case will be rejudged.
hwn seⁿ;
to live again.
cṳ hwn kúi kùe;
reviewed the book several times.
ta cū àiⁿ hwn thâk;
we are now going to review the book.
i hwn cêk kùe cū sêk;
if he reads it the second time he then knows it.
su cîⁿ bô̤ hwn, sèⁿ-mīaⁿ cū àiⁿ kau-kwn;
when one loses in gambling without getting a chance to win back his money, he is ready to barter lives with his opponent.
  • hwn12412012
  • To translate; to interpret.
hwn-êk kuaⁿ;
an official interpreter.
hwn-êk cò̤ i hṳ́ kok kâi jī chut lâi;
translate it into the written language of that country.
bô̤ nâng ŏi hwn-êk i kâi ūe, cū thìaⁿ m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
if there were no one to interpret his speech, it could not be understood.
  • hwn1245012
  • Streamers; pennants.
thiaⁿ tèng tìo nŏ̤ kâi thông-hwn;
hung two streamers in the main hall.
siet kŭa thông-hwn pò̤-kâi;
made a canopy of flags.
thông-hwn hĭⁿ-kau;
an ear-ring with pendant strings.
kî hwn;
flags and streamers.