Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/206

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

pàng pât nâng;

shift the trouble off upon another.
î si thû-lūa;
lay a corpse at a person's door in order to criminate him.
cêk cẃn î cṳ kang cū hó̤-hó̤;
just transpose them and they will be all right.
cē tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tîeh cū bô̤ kói-î;
after having settled the point there is to be no change.
bô̤ î bô̤ êk;
without change or alteration.
i kâi khueh-hūn lâi î khṳt lṳ́, lṳ́ kâi khueh-hūn lâi î khṳt i;
transfer his liabilities to you, and yours to him.
thih pit, bô̤ î;
written with an iron pen and unalterable.
  • î2741543
  • To reward the worthy; to obtain promotion for another; to get reward due to one's self transferred to another.
î-cāng peh-cek pĕ-bó̤;
gain rank for uncles and parents after their death.
î-hong saⁿ tō̤;
he got his ancestors for three generations ennobled.
chíaⁿ î-hong;
ask for preferment for another, on account of one's own services.
  • î277386
  • The sister of one's mother or wife.
a î;
an aunt or sister-in-law.
sĭ chi-î a sĭ bó̤-î?
Is it your wife's sister, or your mother's sister?
cousins, whose mothers are sisters.
sĭ î-píe a sĭ ko-píe?
Is his mother your mother's sister or your father's sister?
tōa î;
mother's elder sister.
sòi î;
mother's younger sister.
jī î;
a sister-in-law, the one next to the eldest.
ko î kŭ kĭm lóng-cóng lâi;
aunts and uncles all came.
  • ĭ281724
  • Easy, not difficult.
îong-ĭ căi;
bô̤ hìeⁿ îong-ĭ no̤h!
It is not so easily done!
tàⁿ khí lâi īu sĭ îong-îong ĭ-ĭ;
it is very easy to talk about.
cē tàⁿ phùa, thóiⁿ tîeh cū îong-ĭ;
after being explained it appears very easy.
  • ĭ2846116
  • Virtuous; admirable.
ĭ tek;
eminently virtuous.
hûang-hŏ kâi mĕng kìe-cò̤ ĭ cí;
the command of the empress is called her virtuous will.
ĭ hŭam;
an example worthy of esteem.
  • ĭ2841297
  • To practise and become skilled in.
ĭ ngîap;
to acquire a trade, or profession.
  • ĭ2811026
  • Diverse; strange; odd, different.
ĭ īeⁿ;
a rare sort.
ĭ jîn;
a singular person.
ĭ bŭn;
strange reports.
ĭ kìen;
rarely seen.
ĭ jît;
another day.
sî-hāu bô̤ ĭ, nâng bô̤ ĭ, pēⁿ-cèng īa bô̤ ĭ, ŭ sî ēng îeh hŵu-lío m̄ tâng;
sometimes when the weather is as usual, the
person as usual, and disease the same, the medicine used has not the same effect.
ĭ sṳ̄;
a queer thing.
cía cū ĭ lío;
this is odd.
ĭ kok;
strange countries.
tăi tâng sío ĭ;
a great resemblance with few points of difference.
cong sin bô̤ ĭ;
keng khî lîp ĭ;
venerate on account of strangeness.
  • ĭ2841457
  • Posterity; descendants.
ău-ĭ chiang-sĕng căi;
his posterity is very numerous.
cía sĭ i kâi mîo-ĭ;
these are his remote descendants.
immediate descendants.


  • íⁿ27893
  • Because of; by means of; in order to; from, to, in, at, wherein; the manner or instrument of.
só̤ íⁿ;
só̤-íⁿ úa m̄ káⁿ kîaⁿ khui;
therefore I did not dare walk away.
só̤-íⁿ tîeh kṳ́n-sín;
for this reason it is necessary to be careful.
khó̤-íⁿ; khó̤-iⁿ cò̤ tit;
it will do passably.
àng cìeⁿ-seⁿ khó̤-íⁿ;
that will answer the purpose.
to deem.
úa íⁿ-ûi khó̤-íⁿ sêng sṳ̄;
I think the thing may be done.
i m̄ íⁿ-ûi sío-lí;
he did not consider the disgrace.
sío-lí kâi sṳ̄ i íⁿ-ûi thí-mīn;
what was disgraceful, he deemed honorable.
úa íⁿ-ûi sĭ lṳ́;
I supposed it was you.
pīn cí-kò̤ íⁿ cīeⁿ;
from this point upward.
chông chṳ́ íⁿ ău;
from this point onward.
íⁿ ngĭ ûi lĭ;
in integrity there is profit.
íⁿ gūa bô̤ pât-nâng;
there was no one besides.
hô̤ íⁿ;
lṳ́ hô̤ íⁿ cai?
What means of knowing have you?
íⁿ côiⁿ kâi sṳ̄ màiⁿ lŭn;
do not discuss what is past.
pīn cí-kò̤ íⁿ ĕ to sĭ bô̤ ēng kâi;
from this point on, they are all worthless.
íⁿ-tì cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ m̄ sêng;
it is because of this, that the business failed of accomplishment.
to sĭ íⁿ sì- kau-chap;
it is solely on account of worldly interests that he associates with them.
cṳ̆ kó íⁿ lâi būe pat thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
from former times this has not been heard of.
kù-chṳ̀ kà íⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
therefore counseled in this manner.
sĭ íⁿ tîeh cai;
consequently must know.
  • íⁿ1126667
  • An ancient instrument carved to resemble a recumbent tiger, having twenty-seven notches along its back: when a rod was rapidly drawn over it, the musical instruments stopped.
gâuh cē càu àiⁿ hiah cū khîa ki tek lâi kueh cí kâi íⁿ kâi ka-ciah;
when the musical instruments were about to cease sounding, they took a bamboo and drew it to and fro across the back of the wooden tiger.